Explorer's Spyglass

This mystical spyglass bears a strong attunement to the barriers between the planes, and is capable of piercing the veil between them. While not extremely rare, this particular artifact seems to have been specially constructed for a powerful mage or planar explorer, and bears classical motifs of the Explorer. The item was the main reward of the Sun Key trial on the Rambling Road, and was given to Mist.   This item was later given to Fish to create the bow Heartstring, and was destroyed in the process.  

Mechanics & Inner Workings

This spyglass allows a single individual to see into the surrounding planes of the Inner Sphere. While two locations on the planes do not always perfectly align, the spyglass does its best to match distances, and thus one can see where they might end up after a Plane Shift spell. Looking through the spyglass is a Standard action, and cycling through the numbered settings can be done as a Swift action. The settings along the dial that circles the spyglass correspond to the following locations:  
  1. Material Plane
  2. Plane of Shadow
  3. Ethereal Plane
  4. Plane of Air
  5. Plane of Water
  6. Plane of Earth
  7. Plane of Fire
  8. Plane of Positive Energy
  9. Plane of Negative Energy / Void
  10. First World
  This item can attune to a single creature as part of a ritual that takes 24 hours. Once per day, when an attuned bearer is looking through the spyglass on a specific setting, they may move to that location as if they had cast Plane Shift, and may take up to eight willing or unconscious creatures in range of touch with them. This ability works even in antimagic fields and is capable of cutting through a variety of weaker wards, with the magic being specifically designed to defy such protections.   This item does not count against the number of magic items the bearer can hold at one time.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Destruction Date
318 AG


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