Mantle of the White Flame

The Mantle of the White Flame is closely connected with White Flame, an incandescent fire that radiates with the purest potential of the Plane of Positive Energy. Those imbued with such flames often manifest the Mantle of the White Flame -- making it one of the rare Mantles that is not unique. Still, given the difficult of acquiring White Flame, and the purity of heart required to carry it, those with this power are incredibly rare.  

Powers & Abilities

  • Pure of Heart (Passive, Constant): You carry a vestige of White Flame, which radiates throughout your mind, body, and soul. As long as you bear a Good alignment, and commit no atrocities in the eyes of gods with similar alignment, the Mantle of White Flame will stay with you, and carries the following benefits. Upon receiving this Mantle, you become immune to all non-magical diseases, and gain a +4 to Fortitude saves against magical diseases, curses, and afflictions. In addition, if you are under the control of a mind-affecting ability and are asked to commit an evil deed, rather than being granted an additional saving throw, the ability immediately ends, and you are immune to additional mind-affecting effects emanating from the caster for 24 hours. Last, your Tether is guarded from immortal influence, and cannot be unnaturaly severed -- even by the Blessing of the Hunter, or by the sharp blade of a Scythe. When it is truly your time, an Angel will arrive to collect you, and lead you to the appropriate court of the Boneyard.
  • Perfect Pitch (Passive, Constant): You have known a great betrayal, and now channel the White Flame towards detecting deceit. If a mortal, non-Mantle-bearing creature of a CR lower than your own is lying to you, you feel the White Flame roil inside, which you can concretely interpret as this ability manifesting. This ability does not tell you how much of a statement is truth and how much is a lie, just that a lie (however small) was detected. In addition, if you begin combat unexpectedly as a direct result of betrayal from an ally, you act normally in the surprise round, and are not flat-footed.
  • Doctor, Doctor (Full Action, 1/Day): You transfer some of the White Flame to your palm, and press it to a willing adjacent creature other than yourself. This creature is immediately healed 1d8 hit points, 1d8 stamina points, and 1d4 Sanity points. If the target creature already has their maximum number of points in any of the aforementioned pools, the benefit is passed to you instead, or is wasted if you cannot accept it. For every 4 levels you possess above level 8 (i.e. at levels 12, 16, and 20) the associated recovery dies increase in size (e.g. 1d8 to 1d10, 1d10 to 1d12, and then 1d12 to 1d20).
  • The Will to Fight (Reaction, 1/Day): When you are reduced to 0 Stamina Points in battle, you may pull from within the White Flame, using its power to lead you to greatness. You gain a number of temporary Stamina Points equal to your maximum, which act as normal Stamina Points for the sake of taking damage and the various effects of combat. Any temporary Stamina Points remaining fade back into the White Flame when combat ends, leaving you with your current Hit Points, and any Stamina recovered since the ability was cast.
  • What's In My Pocket? (Passive, Constant): Each time a Wither is returned back to its original form or you save its soul from the Dark Tapestry, the White Flame remembers and endures, passing that knowledge down to all who carry it. You gain an insight bonus equal to half your character level towards Mysticism checks surrounding the analysis of Wither and Wither creatures. In addition, when you kill a Wither creature that has a CR equal to or greater than half your character level, you gain a Mote of White Flame, of which you can hold a number equal to your character level. These Motes remain in your internal reservoir of White Flame until you use them, or until you gain the Dead condition.
    • Synergy: When you kill a corporeal Wither creature with Burn the Black from Brightsever, you may choose not to take a Mote of White Flame, and instead imbue that energy into the fallen corpse. Rather than being eradicated, the target is revived with 1 HP and no Wither conditions, although it bears the Exhausted condition until they take 1 week of bed rest.
  • Holy (Full Action, See Text): You understand the true nature of White Flame — both its capacity to heal, and its capacity to harm. Using at least one Mote of White Flame, you create a holy burst of energy that spreads across a 30-ft. radius, which affects a number of creatures in range equal to the number of Motes expended. If targeting an ally, they gain 1d10 Stamina points for the total number of Motes expended. If targeting an enemy with an non-Good alignment, you deal 1d10 positive energy damage for every Mote expended, and Stun creatures with a CR lower than your own (DC 20 Fortitude negates). If targeting an ally when expending a total of 10 Motes of White Flame or more, they are also affected as per greater remove condition. You cannot target the same creature more than once in a single casting of this ability.
Artwork by Jose Pacheco
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