
Brightsever is a Dweomerblade recovered from the ruins of the Rookery, bonded in partnership to Flame in the Night. While not fully explained, Aggy has some relation to either the sword or its wielder, and seemed hesitant to even show Flay the blade. Its underlying intelligence is rough in voice, and prefers to cut to the chase over idle chatter, which usually means moving towards whatever puts the Dweomerblade closer to evil.  

Mechanics & Inner Workings

As a Dweomerblade, Brightsever has a powerful intelligence capable of dominating a potential wielder, and refuses to be held by anyone not blessed by a White Flame. Even so, it will attempt to become the master in any relationship, but will settle for equal partnership for warriors with a strong mind. Once bonded to a creature in this manner, Brightsever grants the following powers:  
  • Together We Rise (Passive, Constant): When in combat with Brightsever in hand, the White Flame in the sword bonds with that of the wielder, and rises to the level of their collective power. At Flay's current level of power, this blade is treated as a Yellow Star Plasma Sword, but without the Powered special weapon property.
  • Of Singular Purpose (Passive, Constant): This weapon cannot harm any creature with a Good alignment descriptor, and passes harmlessly through them — even if that creature means the wielder harm. While Neutral creatures can be cut with Brightsever, the sword prefers the blood of Evil creatures, and will complain if not fed for too long. In rare cases where an Evil creature inhabits or is possessing a non-Evil creature, the sword will burn through the parasite but ignore the host.
  • Holy Incandescence (Passive, Constant): When out of the scabbard, this Dweomerblade glows with a holy radiance that floods the surrounding 15-ft. with light, which dispels both natural and magical darkness. The wielder is immune to drain effects from denizens of the Plane of Shadow while this ability is active, and is rid of any fear of the dark. When in Night, this light dulls to that of a far-off star, as if in respect of its surroundings.
  • Burn the Black (Passive, Constant): When this blade is used against a Wither creature of Saint-level or lower, this sword ignores their immunity to critical hits, electricity, and fire. If killed via a death blow from Brightsever, the Wither creature is immediately destroyed, and any soul they still possess is sent to the Doors of Death instead of the Dark Tapestry.
    • Synergy: When you kill a corporeal Wither creature with this ability, you may choose not to take a Mote of White Flame as per What's In My Pocket? from the Mantle of the White Flame, and instead imbue that energy into the fallen corpse. Rather than being eradicated, the target is revived with 1 HP and no Wither conditions, although it bears the Exhausted condition until they take 1 week of bed rest.
  • True Name // White Flame (Special, See Text): This sword knows the True Name of White Flame, and can invoke it at the will of the wielder if both they and the Dweomerblade agree. The White Flame within the warrior flares to life, burning at a rate that rapidly consumes their life force, but allows them to make a final, desperate action. On the wielder's turn in combat, their actions are augmented as if they possessed three Cards of Good Hope, bound together by a string of holy light. This ability stacks with any other abilities activated during that turn, such as other Blessings from Saints that the wielder possesses. If the wielder does not invoke an ability of Saint-level or higher to prevent their death, their body crumbles to dust and an Angel comes to take them to the Boneyard. Otherwise, the White Flame within them is extinguished, and Brightsever falls from their hand, stabbing into the earth where it lands.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Holder
Subtype / Model
Owning Organization


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