Radiant Cathedral

The Radiant Cathedral is the headquarters of Sarenrae worship in the Pact Worlds, located in Dawnshore. It is one of the biggest tourist locations in the Pact Worlds, and a common meeting space for denizens of the Burning Archipelago.

Purpose / Function

Given the mysterious history of the Burning Archipelago, the original purpose of the Radiant Cathedral is unknown. The building was clearly a church to a deity of ash and flame (leading many to believe it was actually created by Sarenrae long ago), but modern depictions of the sun goddess were not present. Of note, strange, geometric symbols dominate the stained-glass windows of the temple, thought to be the secret language of the Dawnflower.


Roughly three thousand faithful call the Radiant Cathedral home, led by Grand Cleric Imryll Novaheart. They are devout to their worship of Sarenrae, and see to the upkeep and operation of the temple. This includes the oversight of hundreds of doves (Sarenrae's sacred animal) which were imported by priests several decades past.


When the cathedral was discovered in 223 AG, very few modifications were made to the original structure. Modern depictions of Sarenrae were added among the existing statues and symbols, and aeries were installed on the upper levels to act as bays for the church's sunskimmers. Over time, sunskimmer pilots put together an unofficial bar, Aurora, that they visit in between flights.
Temple / Church
Parent Location


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