Rowan's Curse

Rowan's Curse is an ill-understood status effect crafted by Rowan Terris and named by the System, originally laid over the Steel Tree on Hades Paradise in order to protect the Maelstrom Key. It was given to the Virgin Whore after she interacted with the Steel Tree, and later transferred to Mist after their flesh melted into one (see S8E3: "Reach Inside Me // A Confluence of Flesh"). The curse is described by the following invocation, initially written in runes resembling an ancient version of the Fey writing system:
"A cruel fate for those who seek power. To obtain one is to lose another. That which you needed, in exchange for that which you want the most.”
It is currently unknown if more than one instance of Rowan's Curse exists, or if there is a method by which the curse can be broken.


The curse is eerily silent, never directly exposing itself as the cause for its victim's woes, but could be tied to a number of ill fates that have plagued Mist in recent memory. Of note since receiving the curse, Mist seems to survive conflicts that his companions do not, even in the face of overwhelming odds — e.g. in the Phoenix Eclipse conflict, Mist was able to secure the Calamity Prism just before the death of his parents, and survived an ambush from Crow and the Black Owl after the death of Fury in the Black, Unari Dama, and Chamas (see S9E15: "The Eye of Cthulhu").

Cover image: Full by Branden Singletary


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