
Crow (a.k.a. The Black Wind)

Crow is a patron spirit (and thus, likely an Elder Numen) native to Norn. They are the patron spirit of Bast, and a scion of wind of shadow, granting them the nickname "The Black Wind". As told in the Codex of Whispers, Crow was corrupted by the Beasts of Armageddon in the events following their creation, leading to the events seen in All Is Lost, and the creation of the Infinity Petal. As seen in the epilogue of that vision, Jestyr and the Centurion are Splinters of Crow's corrupted mind. In recent events, Crow has reformed in part from their Splinters, although their divinity is still trapped in the dread moon of the Boneyard.

Physical Description

Body Features

Crow bears the ability to change their form at will, switching between horned versions of a cruel, masculine creature and a seductive, feminine demon. This transformation seems to change based on Crow's mood, or what form they think will best influence their opponent (as seen in Perdition). In certain versions of the Codex of Whispers, it is implied that Crow is a shapechanger, implying that they can manipulate their body to any form at will.  

Special abilities

  • Master of Perdition (Passive, Constant): Crow knows the True Name of Perdition, and has imbued its power into their astral core. As a result, Crow is immune to mortal agonies (in particular, those represented by the Thirteen Agonies and the Shards of Mortal Anguish), and has immunities to nearly every mundane status effect. As Crow possesses many of the innate defenses carried by Jestyr and Centurion, it is likely that Crow is immune to at least Cold, Electricity, Fire, and Sonic damage, and has some form of magical resistance.
  • Beast of Armageddon (Passive, Constant): Crow is a Beast of Armageddon, and is thus a creature of the Dark Tapestry. But rather than the stunning effect known of other Hearts of Armageddon, Crow's aura attempts to corrupt all creatures, as their mere presence is radioactive. Uniquely, they possess the ability to intercept radio waves and understand the transmissions, and can speak through radios and speakers as if they were a personal broadcast network. This extends in some part to the thoughts and emotions of mortals via telepathy, but in particular affects half-technological, half-biological creatures such as Androids. Combined with their status as an Elder Numen, it is likely that Crow can't be killed by Hit Point damage alone, although such a means is a complete mystery — even to the Codex of Whispers.
  • He Who Goes In Circles (Reaction, 1/Round): Crow is a Walker, and retains memories from all their lives and iterations in the Entwined Infinities. They remember ages where gravity went sideways, beasts reigned over man, and Storms were more common than clear skies. There are few powers capable of surprising them, and fewer still that they have not learned to counter outright. Once per round, they may simply ignore any ability, attack, or effect of which they are a target, using the complex sequence of astral techniques they constructed in the time before time began.
  • I-AM-WE, WE-ARE-I (Passive, Special): Whenever Crow kills a creature — whether it be a Saint or even a god — they destroy the corpse and its equipment as part of a supernatural absorption process. Crow learns any spells and knowledge the corpse knew in life, shares in their natural defenses, incorporates their unique skills, and if they are attached to the corpse at death, even consumes divine entities like portfolios and Mantles of Power. Mechanically, this is a foundational shift in how Crow manifests themselves in the universe, and thus their opponents should never assume that Crow will keep the same astral makeup over time.

Apparel & Accessories

Crow does not wear clothes or carry equipment, but will shape material around their body in a style that matches the form they are trying to replicate. This ability is capable of creating both organic and inorganic matter, and Crow is even capable of creating potent magical items given time, including Lanterns and certain artifacts (such as a Dweomerblade).

Personality Characteristics


Like all Beasts of Armageddon, Crow aims to destroy the "flower" described at the center of Petal Theory, starting with the Infinity Petal and then Norn. They are unshakable in this resolve, having sought this outcome for aeons in Bast's mind, and through their link with the Dark Tapestry, since the very beginning of existence. Due to their long conflict with the warriors mentioned in the Codex of Whispers, Crow has a personal wish to destroy or corrupt Bast, Sara No-Name, Chang Lu, and Valka.
Divine Classification
Saint -Level Creature (Currently)
Chaotic Evil
Current Location
Fluid Between Male and Female
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Related Myths
Ruled Locations

Cover image: Untitled by Maxim Bazhenov


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