Sarge-ant Mother F#@!er

Returning to the dream, we also return to the Material Plane, as the Dreamer presents us something more… local.

We see the Ikal Expanse, as a storm builds over all of Ukulam. As an arc of lightning brightens the sky, a small starship pierces the heavens, and stabs into the center of the jungle, with no regard for its sanctity. The jungle groans as the vessel’s built-in spell lattice repels its fury, and corruption injects itself below the treeline. We follow this black vessel, and recognize it, for it once docked at Crucible, carrying the recently deceased.

It flies smoothly despite the cracking of sentient vines, and the flurry of arrows that dot the hull, scarring trees as it passes. But even Alexander Marcus’ spells are no match for the rage of a planet, as vines leap into the exhaust, and wrap around the wings. The hatch opens as a humanoid in power armor leaps out, followed by over a dozen soldiers in heavy armor, equipped with serrated blades and vicious rifles. They fire before their feet hit the ground, tearing through sentient plant creatures that dot the jungle floor -- known to Mist as the holy Khizar, protectors of Caliria, and the lifeblood of Ukulam.

The forest screams as its guardians fall, and the once-cacophonous environment falls silent. The humanoid in power armor lifts up his arm, shouldering a rifle, and touches a button at the side of his helmet, making the glass translucent.

Sarge: “We’re not far. Let’s move.”

The cultists nod, and dive deeper into the forest, as the dream fades.


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