Sleeping Giant

Rare among the Saints, the Sleeping Giant is actually a physical presence on the Material Plane, and takes the form of a metal colossus that rests on the planet Triaxus. It was found there by the first explorers of the region, and has never left the mountain it leans upon. There seems to be no magic about the construct, or any divine energies, but the people of Triaxus have worshiped it for as long as many can remember.   They claim that the giant will awaken only when the cosmos itself is in danger, and was built to fight some great evil from the beyond. Many scholars believed this to be simply a local myth until 292 AG, when the Triaxian warrior Hoth invoked the Blessing of the Sleeping Giant, diverting the Swarm from his home plane and causing the core of the colossus to radiate with an amber glow.   While the Sleeping Giant does not converse with the other Saints, followers of the Dreamer are strictly forbidden from wading too close to this construct's slumbering mind.  

Blessing of the Sleeping Giant

Range: Single Source, Target Special (See Text)
Action: Reaction or Full-Round
Duration: Immediate or Permanent   When invoking the Blessing of the Sleeping Giant, an amber glow surrounds the caster, which is mirrored by the light of the colossus' core. This Blessing can be used in two different ways, largely distinguished by the type of target.   The caster of the Blessing may target all creatures within a mile-radius as a Reaction, blanketing their life force, presence, and all evidence of activity in that area. Creatures of Saint-level or less perceive the area as completely lifeless, and are mentally encouraged to move on. If used on Triaxus, this ability extends to cover the entire planet.   Alternatively, the caster may select a single, evil target within arms reach, and push their mind into a deep and infinite sleep. The creature must already be Helpless or similarly bound for this ability to take effect, and can be used on creatures that are otherwise immune to sleep effects. The target will awaken from this slumber when the Sleeping Giant pulls itself from its mountain, or the target takes an amount of lethal damage equivalent to 5% of its total hit points - whichever happens first.
Character Art by Julie Dillon
Divine Classification
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by Julie Dillon


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