Unari's Spectacles

These golden, antique spectacles shrink or expand to fit their wearer, and fit snugly on ears and noses of all sizes. While easily confusable for a fashion piece in the modern age, these glasses carry an imprint of the souls of both Aroden and Unari Dama, and impart some of their magical sight onto the bearer. In addition, those who put the glasses on claim to see a wondrous library and office space, and speak in awe of the conversations had within.  

Mechanics & Inner Workings

While wearing the glasses, the wearer is granted both True Seeing and Arcane Sight as per the associated spells, but with a constant duration. In addition, they can focus on the glasses themselves as a full-round action, and confer with any of the imprints stored inside the spectacles. While in this state the user is Helpless, as they cannot perceive the world around them, but are immediately broken out of the glasses' trance by any indication of a threat (as decided by the magic of the glasses). The wearer can willingly exit this trance on their own turn.   These spectacles do not count against the number of magic items you can wear at one time, but do take up your goggles slot.  


These glasses were created by Aroden during the reign of the ancient Azlanti on Golarion, as a means of preserving a piece of his mind in case of disaster. While their exact location throughout history is unknown, at some point they came into the possession of Unari, who used similar techniques to impart his own mind into the spectacles, and to teach the version of Aroden inside about the world.   Unari presumably owned the glasses until the creation of the Rambling Road, after which they were sealed behind the Ruby Shoot Key trial. They were recovered in 317 AG by the Dream Team, and were taken by Flay as a possible means to revive her god.
Item type
Current Holder
Related ethnicities
Owning Organization
Vary by Wearer


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