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Trained in Combat since Birth; Ruled by the Mighty


The Dragonborn are a species not to be trifled with. Valuing strength in combat above all else, the Dragonborn live brutal and violent lives, always seeking honor for their deeds in combat, and never backing down from a fight.

A Harsh Society

Dragonborn society is harsh and unforgiving. Structured into a strict hierarchical system where the strongest are on top, the first great task a Dragonborn must accomplish is to prove that they are a strong warrior, lest they be relegated to the lowest rungs of Dragonborn society, or worse, cast out from it entirely.

From the moment a Dragonborn is born, they must start overcoming challenges. Any child that is deemed unhealthy at birth is cast aside and left to die. Those who are deemed suitably strong are almost immediately whisked away from their parents and enrolled into military academy, regardless of their parent's class position. Dragonborn children are then raised in "Batches" with around 30 Dragonborn their own age. Competition amongst and within these Batches is greatly encouraged. Killing is not punished, but rewarded. Dragonborn spend five years in these batches, where they're taught fighting techniques and force fed propaganda. After their five years of training are up, Dragonborn are tested against those in their batch. The 5 Dragonborn who perform the best are then selected to move onto the next step of their military education. Those who aren't apart of the top five are either sent to become medics, craftsmen, grunt workers, or reproducers. Those who perform exceptionally badly will either be executed, or banished from Dragonborn society.

After a Dragonborn is put into a designated area, they are taught how to specialize in that area till they reach adulthood. Adulthood for Dragonborn is seen less as a time where one reaches a certain age, but instead where they master their respective craft. For Warriors this would be combat, for medics medicine, so on and so fourth.


Might Makes Right

In Dragonborn society, strength is more important than anything else. How strong one is directly determines ones place in society, with the strongest being on top. This caste system also included Dragons and Kobolds, Dragons almost always being towards the top and Kobolds nearly always being towards the bottom.

Dragonborn Caste System:

  • Pure Dragons
  • Warriors
  • Mages & Medics
  • Craftsmen & Engineers
  • Reproducers
  • Grunt workers
  • Kobolds

The Dragonborn caste system, whilst far from fair, is accepted by almost every single Dragonborn because of propaganda they were taught at a young age. Almost all Dragonborn believe that they truly belong in the caste they are relegated to, and that those in the castes above them are simply better than they are. As such, much respect is given to those in a higher caste, and little if any is given to those in a lower one.



Kobolds are the lowest caste in Dragonborn society, treated as slaves and cheap laborers. They are not, however, technically slaves, as they are free to leave their servitude. However, from a very young age Kobolds are propagandized to, and led to believe that their rightful place in society is in service to the Dragonborn and the Dragons above them. For more about Kobolds, visit:

Species | Mar 20, 2024

Weak Alone, but Strong in Numbers; Slaves to Stronger Masters


Playing a Dragonborn

If you want to play as a Dragonborn, there are a few things to keep in mind. Firstly, how did their upbringing in Dragonborn society affect them? Are they a firm believer in the Dragonborn caste system, or were they exiled from the city as a child? Do they seek revenge on the society that wronged them, or are they trying to further that societies aims? Also consider a Dragonborns position within the caste system, and how that may affect their opinions on the caste system. Some other things to consider is the color of a Dragonborns scales, and their attitude towards taking the life of another.


Dragonborn Statblock


Mighty Warriors, taught to fight from a young age. Dragonborn are ruthless killers and military men, fiercely loyal and wholly unwavering.
ability score increase: Increase one ability score by 2 and another one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1
age: ~80 years
Size: Medium
speed: 30 feet
Languages: Common, Draconic
race features:

You have Darkvision with a range of 60 feet

Draconic Ancestry

Your lineage stems from a dragon progenitor. Choose the kind of dragon from the Draconic Ancestry Table. Your choice affects your Breath Weapon and Damage Resistance traits, as well as the look of your Draconic Flight. The chosen dragon also affects your appearance, with you displaying coloration and other features reminiscent of that dragon.

Draconic Ancestry Table:
Damage Type:
Breath Weapon

When you take the Attack Action on your turn, you can replace one of your attacks with an exhalation of magical energy in either a 15-foot cone or a 30-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against a DC equal to 8 + your Constitution modifier + your Proficiency Bonus. On a failed save, a creature takes 1d10 damage of the type determined by your Draconic Ancestry trait. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage. This damage increases by 1d10 when you reach the following character levels: 5th level (2d10), 11th level (3d10), and 17th level (4d10).

You can use this Breath Weapon a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest.

Draconic Resistence

You have Resistance to the damage type determined by your Draconic Ancestry trait.

Draconic Flight

When you reach 5th level, you learn how to channel the magical energy of your Draconic Ancestry to give yourself Temporary Flight. As a Bonus Action, you sprout spectral wings on your back that last for 10 minutes or until you are Incapacitated or you retract the wings as a Bonus Action. During that time, you have a Fly Speed equal to your Speed. Your wings appear to be made of the energy used by your Breath Weapon. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a Long Rest.

Quick Reference Guide

Each Dragonborn has a scale color based on their heritage. Chromatic scale colors are the most common in Dragonborn society, as those with Metallic scales are seen as weak and undesirable, and as such cast out.

Quick Build Guide:

  • Creature Type: Humanoid
  • Average Lifespan: ~80 years
  • Size: Medium creature
  • Height: 5 to 7 feet tall
  • Scale Color: See Draconic Ancestory Table

    Draconic Ancestory Table

    Dragonborn Reproduction

    The Dragonborn are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both male and female genitalia and can perform both male and female reproductive roles. This means there is only one gender in Dragonborn society. Dragonborn's who are seen as physically weaker are generally chosen to be the ones to bear children, though strong mothers are highly sought after and valued.


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