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Morally Righteous Denizens of Darkness


The Drow hail from deep within Cavum, their cities tucked away in caves untouched by Aurum's light. As such, they are in constant contact with Erebus, and they use it to power their magical abilities. However, unlike most creatures which wield the power of Erebus, the Drow do not let it corrupt them. The Drow follow an incredibly strict moral code, which helps them control the dark powers of Erebus without falling into the clutches of it's chaos.


Chaos to Order

During the Great Dissapearance, Ancient Elves engulfed by Erebus were transformed into the Drow. Their minds were overtaken by the chaos of Erebus, and for a millenium they were a species set on destruction. They built their cities in the darkest caves of Cavum, from which they spread their evil. However, all of this changed when a small faction of Drow lead by Vistra Sariel began to change Drow society. Vistra taught strict moral virtues to her followers, which when followed allow them to wield Erebus without being it's slave. With the help of the Dwarves, Vistra took control of Drow society, and created a strict Morality State. Since then all Drow have under gone strict moral teachings, meant to help them keep the dark powers of Erebus under their control.


The importance of Darkness

The Drow have a deep spiritual understanding of the darkness, seeing both the evil it can bring, but also it's beauty. The Drow see darkness as the great equalizer, out of which anything can come forth. In Aurum's light, you can know clearly what something is. Whether it is Good or Evil is plain to see. Darkness, on the other hand, contains infinite possibilites. It can contain the greatest evil, but also the greatest good. The Drow also believe in redemption, thinking anything can change, much like their ancestors did. They do not, however, let their belief in redemption stop them for crushing evil and those who fall into it's grasps. While great good can come from the darkness, great evil, when discovered, must be destroyed. The Drow do not equate this destruction of evil to destruction of the evil individual, however if all else fails they will destroy an evil individual without a second thought.


Knights of Morality

To combat evil the Drow have created an order of Paladins called the Knights Of Vistra. These Paladins main duty is to protect the cities of the Drow from the "forces of evil", and to hunt down any Drow who fall into Erebus's grasp, or otherwise dissobey the Drow's Moral Laws. Drow who disobey the Moral Laws are either killed or sent to a brutal rehabiliation center, an experience which some say is worse than death. If a Drow commits an act that goes against the Drow moral code, they must first catalouge that actions and then repent for it by doing supererogetory acts.


Playing a Drow

Drow make some of the most trustworthy and close companions. Loved by many, the Drow are popular in both Tavern and Court, and feared by those who seek to do wrong. When considering playing a Drow, keep in mind their strict Moral Code and how that may affect their life. As such, the allignment of most Drow is Lawful good. Whilst some Drow don't follow the Moral Laws, and instead live a life of crime, they are constantly aware they could be hunted by the Knight Of Vistra. Lawful Good Drow who commit immoral actions must catalouge them and repent for them. Other things to keep in mind whilst playing a Drow is their close relationship with Dwarves, their connection to Erebus, and their disconnection from the other Elven Lineages.


Drow Statblock


Once controlled by Erebus's Chaos, the Drow now utilize the powers of Darkness for good by following a strict moral code. Those amongst the Drow who fail to follow their strict Moral Laws face two options, Rehabilitation or Death.
ability score increase: Increase one ability score by 2 and another one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1
age: ~750 years
alignment: Lawful Good
Size: Medium
speed: 30 feet
Languages: You know Common and Elvish
race features:
Superior Darkvision

Your Darkvision has a radius of 120 feet.

Elven Lineage Trait

Because Drow have spent much of their life in dark areas, Drow are taught to cast the Dancing Light cantrip.

At 3rd level you learn the Detect Evil and Good spell and at 5th level you learn Darkness

Quick Reference Guide


Quickbuild Information:

  • Creature Type: Humanoid
  • Average Lifespan: ~750 years
  • Size: Medium
  • Height: 6 ft
  • Skin tone: Grey, Black, and White
  • Hair color: White

  • The Dwarves and The Drow

    In the early days of the Dwarven Empire of Grosku, miners would tell of dangerous dark skinned Elves who would lurk in the shadows and attack cavers. Few who were attacked by these dark Elves lived to tell the tale, and the tales that those survivors told were incredibly grisly. The Dwarves took to calling these dark Elves the Drow, and whilst sightings where rare, they were deeply feared. Stories of the Drow were told to Dwarven children to keep them from wandering into caverns by themselves, and the thought of the Drow kept many a dwarven caver wide awake besides a campfire, clutching their pickaxe.

    The day that an envoy of Drow arrived at the great gates of Grosku is a story both the Dwarves and the Drow will never forget. Clad in all white Armor and covered by flowing purple cloaks, the group of Drow, led by Vistra Sariel requested an audience with the Dwarven King. Bewildered and terrified by the request, the Dwarves spent five days deliberating on what should be done, before finally allowing Vistra and two of her Drow companions inside their walls. According to the story, as Vistra and her companions were escorted to the Dwarven Palace, they greeted every Dwarf they saw with a kind smile and utmost courtesy. Even the guards, as terrified of the Drow as they were, came to like Vistra and her companions by the end of their hour long commute to the palace. The Dwarven King, also apprehensive about the Drow, quickly grew to like Vistra, calling her the "Kindest being he had ever met".

    In her audience with the Dwarven King, Vistra explained the plight of the Drow, and the recent enlightenment undergone by the Drow, of which Vistra played a key role. Apologizing for the Drow's past savagery, Vistra earnestly asked the Dwarven King to enter into an Alliance with the her and the Drow. Thus began the unbreakable bond between the Drow and the Dwarves.


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