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Stout Hardy Folk; Masterful Craftsmen and Fearless Cavern Dwellers

"Stone speaks to us. It tells us it's secrets and we tell it it's future. You may look at the stone and see nothing more than what it is. We Dwarves see the hard-earned possibilities. We know that to create anything you have to first give of yourself. It is a hard task, not for the weak of heart, but it is worth it in the end. You see, that essence of yourself gets trapped in that creation like a spirit or a memory. That's why we Dwarves carve our masterpieces from stone. Wood will rot but stone will stand strong forever. Our bodies may die, but our creations and our spirits will live on."
— Brottor Balderk


Dwarves are short and stout folk who take great pride in not only beards but their work. They are known to be great masons, miners, and blacksmiths. Dwarven cities, both ancient and modern, reflect this love of artisty through their incredible craftsmanship. Modern dwarven cities pale in comparison to the Dwarven cities of ancient times, and modern Dwarf artisans are constantly trying to regain the knowledge and experience of thier ancestors.

The Dwarven Empire of Grosku

A few thousand years ago the Dwarven Empire of Grosku was the dominate force in all of known Cavum, having an immense empire that stretched across multiple of Cavums levels. The Dwarves of Grosku where known for thier incredible cities and fortresses, as well as their expansive and illustious mines. They carved roads and passageways between the levels of Cavum, and found ways to harness Aurum into magical items. The Grosku Empure came to a sudden end during the Collapse, an event that destroyed much of Dwarven society. If not for the help of the Drow, they likely would have gone extinct. Because of this event much of the Dwarves history has been lost, along with many of their once great cities. Some modern Dwarves have attempted to rebuild the Empire of Grosku, however many others have turned to helping the nations of other empires flourish and prosper. But no matter their upbrining or life path, it is certain that every Dwarf has heard tales of Grosku. Drow and Dwarven bards alike tell of it's might and granduer, inspiring many Dwarves to seek that might and granduer for themselves.

Stone as a Soul Vessel

Dwarves don't worhip any particular deity, instead believing in the sacred divine nature of natural things. Dwarves believe that all natural things, whether it be Flesh, Wood, or Stone, has a soul, and that these souls have memories which can be accessed. As such, Dwarves believe that there is a life after death, but only if one can create something that truly embodies the indivudals soul. Many Dwarves spend their entire lives training to create masterpieces that will one day serve as their eternal resting places. This belief is another reason that many Dwarves value reclaiming old Dwarven Artifacts and rediscovering ancient Dwarven cities, as they believe those artifacts and cities hold the souls of their ancestors.

Master Craftsmen

Trained from a young age to be resourceful and hardworking, many Dwarves are proficient in a number of skills and crafts. Mastery of their craft is incredibly important to a Dwarf, and they will often spend years practicing to perfect it. Given their long life spans, Dwarves tend to also specialize in multiple things, picking up hobbies which they master throughout their life. This love for mastery over something pertains to more than just their crafts, but also their physical appearance. Many Dwarves spend lots of time pruning and trimming their beards, as well as working out their body. They are incredibly concerned with keeping themselves in healthy working order, and make sure to steel themselves against poisons and other ailments.


Playing a Dwarf

If you want to play a dwarf, there are a few things to keep in mind. Firstly, Dwarves love learning the history of forgotten things and exploring the world of Cavum to uncover ancient artifacts. They also make hardy adventures who are sure to push forward in the face of any stuggle. Dwarves are also expert craftsmen, often in proficient in mutliple different skills. How they aquired these skills can be of great important to your backstory. Some other things to consider are a Dwarves hair and beard, the importance of their ancestoral heritage, their religious beliefs, and their deep friendship with the Drow.


Dwarf Statblock


Dwarves may be small, but they are not to be underestimated. Dwarves are expert fighters and craftsmen, rigerously training themselves until they become masters of their craft. When someone wants a job done right, they call a Dwarf.
ability score increase: Increase two ability scores by 2
age: ~ 350 years
Size: Small
speed: 30 feet
Languages: Common and Dwarvish
race features:

You have Darkvision with a range of 60 feet.

Dwarven Resilience

You have Resistance to Poison Damage. You also have Advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the Poisoned Condition on yourself.

Dwarven Toughness

Your hit point maximum increases by 1 every time you gain a level.

Master Craftsmen

You have trained in a number of different professions and crafts, gaining five proficiences from the list of tools, weapons, and armors below:

  • One type of Artisan's Tools
  • One Simple Weapon (Melee or Ranged)
  • One Martial Weapon (Melee or Ranged)
  • Light Armor
  • Medium Armor
  • You can gain one more of these proficencies at 3rd level and again at 5th level.


    As a Bonus Action, you can either gain Tremorsense with a range of 60 feet for 10 minutes, or cast Commune with Stone with either Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma as your spellcasting ability modifier (chosen during character creation). You must be on a stone surface or touching such a surface to use this ability. The stone can be natural or worked. You can use this Bonus Action a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest.

    Quick Reference Guide

    Quick Build Guide

  • Creature Type: Humanoid
  • Average lifespan: ~350 years
  • Size: Medium creature
  • Height: 4 to 5 feet
  • Skin Tone: White, Black, Tan
  • Hair Color: Brown, Hazel, Ginger

    The Dwarves and The Drow

    In the early days of the Dwarven Empire of Grosku, miners would tell of dangerous dark skinned Elves who would lurk in the shadows and attack cavers. Few who were attacked by these dark Elves lived to tell the tale, and the tales that those survivors told were incredibly grisly. The Dwarves took to calling these dark Elves the Drow, and whilst sightings where rare, they were deeply feared. Stories of the Drow were told to Dwarven children to keep them from wandering into caverns by themselves, and the thought of the Drow kept many a dwarven caver wide awake besides a campfire, clutching their pickaxe.

    The day that an envoy of Drow arrived at the great gates of Grosku is a story both the Dwarves and the Drow will never forget. Clad in all white Armor and covered by flowing purple cloaks, the group of Drow, led by Vistra Sariel requested an audience with the Dwarven King. Bewildered and terrified by the request, the Dwarves spent five days deliberating on what should be done, before finally allowing Vistra and two of her Drow companions inside their walls. According to the story, as Vistra and her companions were escorted to the Dwarven Palace, they greeted every Dwarf they saw with a kind smile and utmost courtesy. Even the guards, as terrified of the Drow as they were, came to like Vistra and her companions by the end of their hour long commute to the palace. The Dwarven King, also apprehensive about the Drow, quickly grew to like Vistra, calling her the "Kindest being he had ever met".

    In her audience with the Dwarven King, Vistra explained the plight of the Drow, and the recent enlightenment undergone by the Drow, of which Vistra played a key role. Apologizing for the Drow's past savagery, Vistra earnestly asked the Dwarven King to enter into an Alliance with the her and the Drow. Thus began the unbreakable bond between the Drow and the Dwarves.


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