
"I loved the girl like she was my own. She was good and she was kind... and they killed her."

Faelyn was the name give to a wood elf child adopted by Ariock of Caessia during the Normandy Crusades. It's unknown what she was previously named prior to their meeting yet it's likely that Faelyn did not remember as she was only six years old when Ariock found her.   During their time together, Ariock would teach her survival skills in the wild and she was taught the ways of the archer by one of the Kafka Paladins. She was twelve years old when she died.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Faelyn came from a small wood elf village located past the central marshes outside of Del Varde. She previously lived with her father, her mother and her older brother yet Faelyn would have only blurred memories of their faces. When she was six years old, her village was attacked during the Normandy Crusades by Emporem Inquisitors. Though the Kafka Brotherhood would come to their aid, the small village as well as its sister towns would be ravaged by the war and bloodshed.    When Ariock found Faelyn, she was cowering under an overturned table still clutching her mother's hand who had been buried under the rubble of their fallen hovel. While the knight would eventually be able to coax her out of hiding, the child would be left unable to speak due to the trauma and wouldn't utter a word for nearly six years.
by Chen Yifei
"You have survived so much, my little sparrow. I'm already proud of you."
1342 1354
Parents (Adopting)
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation