Ariock of Caessia

"No one will hurt you again. Not while I'm here."

Ariock of Caessia is one of the six Virtues and leader of the Kafka Brotherhood up until its disbandment in 1354 AT. He represents the virtue of Valiance and is often referred to as the Crescent Knight due to him upholding of the Ways of Wild. He carries his family's great sword, Ordon's Eye   Ariock is the uncle of Daodurn Bloodbone. While any other circumstance would make him a prime candidate to the throne of Gourne, Ariock gave up his birthrights when he promised his blade to the Ways of the Wild. Thus, he has chosen to remain neutral of the civil conflict entirely. Believing that Ariock abandoned his own kin, Daodurn has let it be known that his 'pet' uncle is nothing more than a dog tamed by the elves during the Normandy Crusades.   During his time in the brotherhood, he adopted an Elven girl he named Faelyn. She was lost in the Siege at Sterling Shore, to which Ariock still holds her death as his own failure to protect her.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Seeing that a Wolfman's average lifespan is around 60 to 65 years, Ariock is in extremely good shape for his age. Yet due to an injury in his chest that never quite healed properly, higher altitudes often weigh on his ribcage. His eyesight, while sharper than most humans, isn't quite what it used to be and he has difficulty discerning specific colors.

Body Features

In his youth, Ariock's fur turned from a deep gold in the summer sun to a pale blonde whenever his winter coat would grow in. These days, his fur seldom changes from its aging white.

Identifying Characteristics

His life as a soldier has left his face and body riddled with scars. The most notable ones is a web of scars that stretch from the tip of his left brow to the lower crest of his jaw, giving him a formidable look especially when his mood is sour. On his right hand, he's missing the half of his pinky, ring and middle fingers. He also has a burn mark stretching across his back right below the shoulder blades from dragon fire - in some places, the fur has not grown back.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Ariock led the the Paladins of Kafka (or the Kafka Brotherhood), a company of Wolfmen mercenaries who formed an order of voluntary warriors that guarded Wood Elf refugees from Inquisitors of the Church of Emporem during the Normandy Crusades.   The brotherhood was dissolved during the Battle at Sterling Shore in 1354, a defense that would secure the Crimson Checkpoint for House Rosewood. Following a 40 day siege, news spread that all 1600 paladins gave their lives defending this pivotal chokepoint against the Emporem Order. Yet thanks to the paladins' sacrifice, the remnants of the Wood Elf refugees were smuggled out of Gloria and were able to flee into Del Varde.   Ariock was the lone survivor of the brotherhood. That day that still haunts him years later and he is plagued with survivor's guilt. Seeing his purpose fulfilled, the Crescent Knight traveled the coast where he wandered for many years in search of Faelyn's killer.

Mental Trauma

War is a cruel mistress and while the years have made Ariock wiser to the pain, he often finds himself plagued with inconvenient memories. He is constantly vigilant over himself and those in his care. His normally mellow demeanor can be immediately shift into heightened alertness by sudden movements, sharp sounds or any presence he perceives as dangerous.

Morality & Philosophy

Ariock follows the Way of the Wild, which simply states that the pursuits in one's life should come from one’s natural desire to free. And that freedom comes from the defense of those who have yet to defend themselves. In other words, freedom should only come through necessity and never through pleasure in the death of the weaker creature. With the violent persecution of the Dark Elves and the Wood Elves ordained the Glorian Doctrine, Ariock already saw a violation in his creed of what he believed were the living's unattested rights to be free. And by knowing of this injustice, he could not simply stand by in good conscious.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Wolfmen are regularly stereotyped as feral savages who lack in higher thinking outside of their next meal. Perhaps this is why in his younger days living among men and elves, Ariock was labeled as a ‘civilized’ wolfman. But the fact remains that he had always been harmonious unless provoked.   While he is often the firm voice in group settings, he never fails to be the gentle hand that lifts stragglers up and herds them back into the safety of the pack. Ariock protects the rearguard (both physically and metaphorically) where the weak uphold their own pace, as he believes this is the only place a leader should be. Side by side with those who need him, his advice and his steady blade. Even as old age has made him wiser to the ways of the world, Ariock still upholds this philosophy.
by Mikhail Palamarchuk
The Crescent Knight
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Ariock is fluent in Khal Khadesh (the language of the Southern Wolfmen tribes), Central Elvish and the Common Tongue.
  • Great Sword (Ordon's Eye)
  • Silver Short Sword (Saelon's Song)
  • Silver Dagger (Little Sparrow)
  • Buckler Shield (Worn on Back)
  • Tattered Amber Cloak
  • Waterskin
  • Armor Polish
  • Rope
  • War Horn
  • Grinding Stone
  • Old Tattered Child's Doll
  • Leather Backpack + Blanket