
Wolfmen are an ethnic group of Beastfolk native a variety of areas in Ardunia. They are most commonly found in wooded areas, though there are several Wolfmen ethnicities who have made their home in numerous biomes such as tundras, plains, mediterranean and desert. They are the primary inhabitants of the Ashlands and are well renowned for their ferocity in battle.   Their current ruling house is House Vecathaar and their king is Daodurn Bloodbone.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Caessian Wolfmen are an ethnic group of Beastfolk who carry total or partial ancestry to ancient racial groups from the Caessia Empire prior to the settlement of the First men. The term 'Caessia' loosely means 'Summer' in their language, vaguely translating to the ethnic group to 'The Summer Wolfmen' in the common tongue. They consist of the second smallest ethnic group among the Wolfmen, following only after the Ashai Wolfmen of Karth. Most Caessian Wolfmen are descendants of the Caessia Polity (circa. the 1st Dawn age) and originate within the boundaries of Central and Western Daedrielle. Members of this ethnic group share following characteristics; Fur colors vary between blonde (common), light blonde (common), red (uncommon) and brown (uncommon). Eye colors include gold, amber, gray and brown.
by gugu-troll

Cover image: by Atoz2018