Cellular Unraveling

I can't stand it anymore; my entire body is on fire. Just make it stop. - Terminally Ill Muntant
  One of the most deadly diseases amongst Mutants, Cellular Unraveling is the result of the constant mutations found with a Mutant's Mutastrand. Due to this, the cells in their body begin to tear themselves apart, and they are no longer able to maintain the Mutant's body, resulting in them dying a slow, painful death a their body destroys itself and shutting down bodily functions and senses over time.


Cellular Unraveling is often a genetic trait passed from generation to generation that eventually shows itself once Mutant genes become too complex and unstable to maintain themselves.


Cognitive Failure : Over time, the degeneration of cells will cause the brain to lose all higher functions, such as memory loss, lack of awareness, and unable to think clearly.   Physical Impairment: Eventually, the cell that binds muscles together will break apart, making it hard to walk and do tasks until they cannot move independently.   Severe Pain: As cells begin to fall apart, a great amount of pain can be felt, as if the body is one fire never ceasing for a moment.   Organ Failure: Later stages cause organs throughout the body to fall apart and eventually become unable to function, resulting in death.   Bleeding: Blood being coughed up or coming out of a orifice is common as damage to cells tearing causes internal bleeding.


While it can be fatal to some Mutants to a certain point once their genes are brought to the brink, Gene Reconstruction and Gene Splicing can help stop further damage or even remove it completely, leaving healthy cells in their place.


Most cell unraveling is fatal if the damage is too severe and not treated properly; it can even come back in time should any bad cells are not removed properly.

Affected Groups

The disease is only found in Mutants and is mainly caused by bad mutated genes past on from parent to child.
Chronic, Congenital
Affected Species

Cover image: by Jester%


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