
Basic Information


Mutant biology is something of a constant oddity as their mutantion cause their anatomy and morphology to take a tail spin to constant biological differences. Which limbs, muscles and skeletal structure being different with a single individual in serval different categories.

Biological Traits

The mutations that are engraved on their very DNA cause them to alter differently every time a new one is born. Some of them are even able to develop certain abilities as well to make them highly dangerous.

Genetics and Reproduction

The reproductive rate of a mutant is different for each mutant some of them being able to give birth several weeks are conception and some a couple of years.

Growth Rate & Stages

Growth rates differ greatly as some are fully delvolped in a few months and some taking decades to reach full size.

Ecology and Habitats

Mutant biology allows certain individuals to survive certain environments more effectively then some species. But can be a problem as their bodies are unable to adapt properly.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Mutants can be carnivores, herbivores, omnivores and some even eating minerals, Chemicals and even energy. They either store it or hunt for it.

Biological Cycle

Mutants can hibernate, shed skin, change color and so on as they are each react different to the passing of time.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Mutant are divided in different categories in order to better suit their needs. But they are based on equality in their society and each one does their duty to make it flourish.

Facial characteristics

Facial characteristics are mostly Human, though some are less Human than other.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Mutants are found on the continent of Pheonixia.

Average Intelligence

Mutant mutations can hinder or excel their intellect as their brains are altered. Most are able to talk and problem solve, while other have more trouble problem solving.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Due to mutations that a different with each different individual, perception can differ into every know category. Some see with echolocation and others just hearing. Some can even see through solid object or by heat vision. The possibilities are endless. Some can even read minds and who knows what else.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Mutant Commonwealth The Pheonixian Dominions

Beauty Ideals

It is an overrated idea to judge one by their looks, instead they find beauty in merit and personality rather the physical beauty.

Gender Ideals

Gender does not matter to them as they consider both genders equal they must work together to preserve their society. They are their own free individuals and they can do what ever they want.

Courtship Ideals

They often have serval different ideas on how one should court a potential spouse or spouses. Love is something that should not be share by just to people sometimes.

Relationship Ideals

A bound is formed between spouses as if nothing could tear them apart at all

Average Technological Level

Mutant society is highly advanced as it is able


Mutants were the accidental creation Gear Nation⁣ through exposure of radiation and chemical by products used to advance their technology. This exposure did not happen over night and the first Mutants would not be seen for a sew decades as it was seen in generations that had mutations passed down through their genes by their ancestors. These deformed descendants would be number into the thousands as the physical deformities finally showed themselves. They were quickly chased out by their former kin and fled south in search for a new home. When they got their it was everyone for themselves as they did not want to deal with one another. Later on though they realized that they were all in this together and that they were no longer Human. They were a new race all together no matter how different each of them were. In no time the Mutant Commonwealth came into being. With it being said that they were able to create a functioning society in a matter of weeks. This mostly goes to the abilities and powers that came with their mutations and help change the landscape to their benefits. It was also consider the first republic created since Cataclysm, with voting rights and all. Though peace with their neighbors was something that was not possible at the time.   Surprisingly the Unified Tikasa Tribes would be the first instigators of conflict. Despite being isolationists by nature, the mere sight of the Mutants and their instant cultivation of the land around them was considered an abomination to nature. Leading to border incursions on a constant basis and when Gear Nation hear about it they did the same. The Mutants did not want to invade their territories as their numbers were considered small and considered a defensive approach by fortify key positions and force the enemy to leave once they realize that it was pointless to. After the creation of the The Pheonixian Dominions, the Mutant Commonwealth began creating a defense force to ensure that peace would remain and once that was finished began to improve their environment to better suit them and began massive trading post across the dominions
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
1 month - 10,000 years
Conservation Status
Ninety million
Average Height
2’5” - 9’9”
Average Weight
20lbs - 1 ton
Average Physique
The body can be alter from mutations as muscles can be none existent or completely muscularly advanced.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin tone comes in all colors along with some have their skin texture different from others.
Related Organizations
Related Materials


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