
Artwork by Jesse

Basic Information


Biology is entirely made of plant matter with standard pair of arms and legs. Have no skeleton since plant matter enter woven with each other supports body.

Biological Traits

They are considered gender less, have connections to nature, have fast reflexes and agility, longevity and immunity to most diseases. But despite being plant based they still have a nervous system and a digestive system, along with several other that are found in animals. Such as a brain, stomach and sinuses.

Genetics and Reproduction

They cannot reproduce like most other species, as they do not have reproductive organs. Rather they are born from a unique tree known as the Abagora tree, only found in Tiki Jungle. This take about five years for a proper to be fully developed by the dozens. The seeds of this tree are only found inside Tikis in their late life stages and will be released once it dies. Where the seeds would eventually burrow into the ground and take a hundred years to grow and produce more Tikis.

Growth Rate & Stages

Tikis are fully developed after five years in Abagora trees and are fully grown. But once they grow older it is compared to that of a tree. Their bodies grow plants in certain areas of their body. The wood on their bodies begins to creak and crack. Some distortion of their body are seen as well.

Ecology and Habitats

Due to their plant biology, they prefer warm climates. Colder climates causes problems for them.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are considered carnivorous plants and will hunt for meat. They only kill what they need to survive and leave the remains of what they kill to fertilize the land and feed other animals. They often keep it stored in special made store houses to preserve them for long periods of time.

Biological Cycle

They will often change as they reach thier elder years often looking crooked and showing cracks in their wood. With some of their bark falling off and changing color as well.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Are often in tribal groups, though they do not have offspring, those who apart of the tribe are considered family. They are often lead by a chieftain, along with a shaman. With the rest of the tribe being hunters and warriors. Tribesmen  are highly socially with one another and quite friendly with one another. They are quite festive as well often celebrating life to the fullest.

Facial characteristics

Wood like face

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They often live in Tikasa Jungle, or other warmer climates. Many can be found on islands as well around the The Pheonixian Dominions⁣.

Average Intelligence

They are highly organized and have complex social structures. They are also able to tame wild animals that most people would have trouble dealing with. Along with a  series of dialects that a spoken by many different tribes.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Eye sight is highly advanced with night vision. Hearing is average. Has connection with others spieces of plants.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Tikis have no last names, but rather they use the name of their tribe, which is said before before their given name. For example Garuka Hekal, as it represents the tribe first and the individual last as the tribe is their identity.

Major Organizations

Beauty Ideals

Tiki like to be natural as much as possible, meaning they let moss grow on them and let plant grow out of them. But they try their best to keep insects and other thing from nesting in them.

Average Technological Level

Their society is at a primative level to most, but are highly developed in their own way. Their craftiness and ingenuity are what make them the dominant species in their lands. They are able to create settlements anywhere, creating bio weapons from the jungle itself and taming the most savage of animals as war beasts. They have learned to use metal to create prosthetics to replace beformed body parts and weapons.

Major Language Groups and Dialects


Common Dress Code

Clothing is only a formal tradition for them as they do not have private areas to cover. It just to express themselves and use for tradition.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

According to the Tikis, the jungle excepted them as is children and swore to protect life from destruction no matter the cost. Their people live off the land rather then owning and only take what they need to survive.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The Carving Festival of life Sarokoda The Great Hunt


Tikasa are the product of genetic mutation of Humans⁣  during the post Armageddon age. The original Humans⁣  that were mutated were those who travel west from the kingdom of Kingdom of Van Carno⁣ to form Gear Nation⁣. But halfway through the journey in what is now Death's Turf , a group splintered off and head south though the Great Waste. Those who survived the harsh journey found themselves in a lush land full resources. How the mutation occurred remains a mystery since no real records were documented. But after it happen the Tikasa came into being and began a series of rapid expansion to expend their jungles. Forming the Unified Tikasa Tribes⁣ as they treated each other as kin. They would go unopposed for a few centuries, but that would all change when the Machine  of the Machine Collective⁣ settled next to them. Along with the Mutant Commonwealth to the east of them. It would soon lead to open war lasting for thousands of years. They soon enough fight the rest of the factions on the continent as well later on. It would not be until the founding of The Pheonixian Dominions⁣ that they would finally make peace with them. As the lands of the continent was divided equally among the dominions, they went into seclusion for a time, until finally they agreed to work with their former enemies and accept them as their neighbors. Peace allowed them to prosper and grow as time went on, but they always prepared for war as they knew that true peace was nothing more then a waking dream. As the ages went by, they endured as technology was continuing to advance. Their weaponry and tactics are still lethal to this day in fact, even though they look primitive and harmless. But a spear that can pierce though battle armor and a raging war beast can really make the difference on the battlefield.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Tikis consider most other races as lost and misguided in the ways of life ass they war and steal from one another. They are especially resentful of those who destroy nature for profit as well. But as members of The Pheonixian Dominions⁣ they have learned that their are those who wish to do the greater good in the world. Find some friends among the other dominions as well. But it doesn't mean they see eye to eye on everything.
Scientific Name
700 - 1000 years
Conservation Status
Numbers around forty million
Average Height
3’8” - 4’8”
Average Weight
140 - 180lbs
Average Physique
The are quite strong and agile, due to their plant biology.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Brown, grey, tan


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