
Basic Information


Bipedal humanoids equipped with a pair of arms and legs. Along with a advanced muscular system and bone structure.

Biological Traits

Humans are highly adaptable to surrounding and highly intelligent, begin able to think of things that most wouldn't be able to imagine. Their bodies are balanced as well creating endurance for them and not being able to tire out as easily.

Genetics and Reproduction

Pregnancies take at least nine months before a birth is achieved.

Growth Rate & Stages

Take around sixteen years for a human to full grown.

Ecology and Habitats

They are able to adapt to any known environment with ease. Often able to find ways to improve their living space and resources to survive.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Humans can hunt and forage to survive, often using tools to do so. Along with making food through agriculture and by other means. Often storing to reserving through freezing or storage containers.

Biological Cycle

Human become older and weaker after reaching the peak of their health and it begins to show as their hair turns grey and develop wrinkles. Along with bone and muscle deterioration. But they are able to maintain their minds and memories with ease.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Human society are made up of social status depending on wealth and job occupation. This is not permeant as they are able to change their position through wealth of merit.

Facial characteristics

Males are known to have facial hair and broader facial features and females smoother features. Bone structures differ depending on the environment of the Human as well.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Humans are found in all for corners of the would on multiple continents.

Average Intelligence

Humans are able to use tools and machines to improve life. Along with storing knowledge and being able to communicate to one another through language.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Uses hearing, sight and smell to inform them of their surroundings.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Humans often refer to themselves in different languages and name types, but most have a first name and a name for their family.

Major Organizations

Relon Combine
Republic of Creed
Kamodian League
Seron Kingdom
Harmordian Empire
State of Galia
Melsini Federation

Beauty Ideals

Humans tend to use clothing, hair and other accessories to get attention from the opposite sex.

Gender Ideals

Men for the most part dominated societies across the and control most of societies with women often submissive of them. But as the world changed so did social standards with man women have the jobs of men in mam counties and enjoying independence.

Courtship Ideals

Men often are the ones that seek out women, with different cultures varying how it is done.

Relationship Ideals

Humans are an odd bunch and are complex at times, some have relationships years before they marry, some procreate then and there. Others Just get married right away. Some leave each if things are not going well with one another and find other partners to find happiness. Sometimes they treat each other as equals or dominates the other. Its complicated for them in so many ways it difficult to keep track of.

Average Technological Level

Humans have high technological civilizations with many live high advance societies with clean energy. Most are capable of space flight across the solor system. But some are still in primitive societies, for the sake of tradition.


The Origins of Humans have all but been lost to time as of this point. But as the world rebuilt itself, from the cataclysm they have risen to power across the world. spreading across the world and dominating many of the continents with their numbers and industrial ambition. But due to ideology, resources culture and religion, they are often at odds with other races and one another in most known conflicts across the world. But their are some who embrace coexistence between one another for the sake of peace. But ambition always finds a way cause this peace to shatter one way or another.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Humans have been known to have two sided relationships with other races with some being respectful and friendly. While the other is a sense of superiority and cruelty. Some Humans ever have relationships with other races and have off spring with them, creating new half breed species in the process. But depending on the location they can be mistreated and ostracized from society.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo sapiens
90 - 140 years
Conservation Status
Population at two billion
Average Height
5'10" - 6'5"
Average Weight
136 - 178 lbs
Average Physique
Humans are often fit beings able to who bodies are able to endure stress at great lengths.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Humans are known to come in different skin colors, such as white, black and so on.
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