Axayaca, People of the Sun & Moon

Racial Traits: Ability score increase: Dex.+1 Chr. +1 Size: Medium, human looking in all aspects except depending on which tribe you are from some features take on the aspects of the tribal totem. Speed: Base walking speed is 30ft Darkvision:You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60ft of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of grey. Beasthide Description: As a Beasthide totem, you are especially tough and persistent in battle. Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution score increases by 1. Shifting Feature: While shifting, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. Nimble Climber Description: Your climber heritage grants you the ability of a agile climber. Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity score increases by 1. Shifting Feature:- While shifting, you gain a climb speed of 30 feet & advantage on all Athletic or Dexterity checks Longstride Longstride shifters are fleet and elusive. Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1. Shifting Feature. While shifting, you can use the Dash action as a bonus action. Flesh Ripper Description: As a Flesh Ripper shifter, you are a ferocious combatant. Ability Score Increase: Your Strength score increases by 1. Shifting Feature: While shifting, you can make a bite attack as an action. This is a melee weapon attack that uses Strength for its attack roll and damage bonus and deals 1d6 piercing damage. If this attack hits a target that is your size or smaller, the target is also grappled if wanted. Razorclaw Description: As a razorclaw shifter, you make swift, slashing strikes in battle. Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity score increases by 1. Shifting Feature: While shifting, you can make an unarmed strike as a bonus action. You can use your Dexterity for its attack roll and damage bonus, and this attack deals slashing damage or grappled. Wildsense Description: Your wildsense heritage makes you a consummate tracker and survivor. Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom score increases by 1. Shifting Feature: While shifting, you gain advantage on all Wisdom-based checks and saving throws. Swift Glider Description: Swift glider heritage makes you able to glide while falling or leaping Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity score increases by 1. Shifting Feature: You gain a falling speed of 10ft a round & flight speed of 60ft a round. Gliding time 5 min. Bounding Tumbler Description: Bounder heritage makes you able to jump great hight & distance. Ability score increase: Strength or Dexterity increase by 1. Shifting Feature: If you chose Strength you gain advantage on athletics (Str) or if Dexterity than advantage on acrobatics (Dex). You can leap 20ft distance or 10ft vertically upto 6 times a day when shifted. Dive Drifters Description: Dive drifter heritage allows you hold your breath & swiftly swim. Ability score increase : Strength or constitution increase by 1. Shifting Feature: Based on which ability you choose you gain advantage on athletics (Str) checks or constitution saves. Diving - You can hold your breath for five rounds (5 mins) with no checks. At the end of the 5th round (5 mins) submerged you must make a con checks with advantage. A success gives you three more rounds (3 mins). At the end of the third round make a check again at normal. if you fail any checks you must surface within two rounds (2 mins) Each round you must role at normal checks on a second fail all checks are at a disadvantage. If you don't surface within one more round after the second fail you begin drowning. Swimming - You have normal speed in water Death Weaver Description: Weaver heritage allows you to create one of the following effects based on your totem: Types: Poison Spit Webbing Constriction Ability score increase : Your constitution is increased by 1. Shifting Feature: Only once per day can you take on a specific effect based on your totem. Lasts for one encounter or 10 mins. For the following effects : Poison - injection of poison by bite or sting causing 1d2+1d8 poison initial damage. Half damage if they save on initial attack. Additional 1d8 poison damage per round until saved. Spit - acid spit make attack roll. save vs dex for half causing 1d8 acid damage blinded one round. On fail they are blinded for two rounds and take an additional 1d6 for four rounds or until saved. Constriction - They save vs dex on success no affect, fail causes automatic grapple. Each round after grappled they must make a strength check to break free. After two fails they have disadvantage on all remaining checks. On the fifth round they must make a constitution check with disadvantage or passout. Damage after grappled is 1d4 first round, 2d4 second round, 2d4 third round, 2d6 fourth round , 2d6 fifth round . Effect lasts only 5 rounds after grappled Webbing - 10 cubic feet of webbing. If touched save vs dex, fail you are grappled strength check to free but half move for same amount of rounds grappled. If grappled for 5 rounds you are completely held & prone Language: Malinalli or common Alignment: Any, tend to Neutral Psychological: Daily life:   Relations:   Lands: Religion:   Names: Tribe names: Reason to Adventure: Society & Culture: Arts & Crafts: Magic & Technology: Tribal Structure: Power Struggles: Government: Theocracy Description: Laws & Justice: Religion: Tonatiuh (Means – sun worshipers), Tonantzin (Means – Honored Mother, Earth) also a small cult has formed around a god called Ipalnemoani (Means – Unknown God), History & Folklore: In its fairly recent past, the Malinalli were a group of different tribes of the Quatzels . They used to be very much like the Hania in that they worshiped animal spirits, but in the last four or five generations they have become a more agrarian culture. The tribes were united under a single religious leader. Now the cities are known after the particular tribe that originally inhabited that area. Families that come from each of the tribes now identify themselves as the Malinalli instead of their individual animal totems. There are still some who follow the old ways but they live outside of the mainstream culture itself or keep it to themselves. . When the First Prophet united the tribes he had them build great temples to the Sun and Mother. Two main temples were built. The largest was the Sun Temple & was built in the City of Axayaca and the other temple to The Mother was built in the middle of the jungle and around it formed the city of Coatl. Some say the followers of Ipalnemoani have taken it over. A new tribe was associated around these new cities. They called themselves Malinalli {Meaning – Plant}   are lead by a religious leader who is a proclaimed prophet. He calls himself the offspring of the Sun and the Earth. Only the prophet can identify his siblings, the children of the Sun and Earth, therefore the prophet chooses his successor who must be one of these children, this can be a family member or close associate. There has never been a woman called as a prophet, but it is assumed that this would be highly unlikely. There are High priests associated with the religion but they have no hold on the leadership.   Environment: Climate/Region: Tropical/ Jungle Kingdoms: Axayaca Cities: Quah {Meaning – Eagle}, Ocelot {Meaning – Jaguar}, A yotl { Meaning – Turtle}, Mazatl {Meaning – Deer} Capitol: Coatl {Meaning – Serpent} and Axayaca (Meaning – Exalted place) Important People : First great Prophet – Current Prophet – Important Groups: Agenda: Structure: Symbol: Membership: Benefits: Relations outside of group: Role-playing Application: Class:   Culture: Description: Racial Traits: Psychological: Daily life: Physical: Relations: Alignment: Lands: Religion: Language Names: Tribe names: Reason to Adventure: Society & Culture: Arts & Crafts: Magic & Technology: Tribal Structure: Power Struggles: Government: Description: Laws & Justice: Religion: History & Folklore: Environment: Climate/Region: Cities: Capitol : Important People: Important Groups: Agenda: Structure: Symbol: Membership: Benefits: Relations outside of group: Role-playing Application: Class:

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Sun & Moon Tribe


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