
(a.k.a. Queen Shar (Mord), Baatu (Alcyrian), Ch'ar-Mut (Most Humans, Vales, Cynndraaki, Morsidhi), Dulemorgol (Shiofra), ChardorThul (Dwarven), The Spider Queen, The Death Raven, The Raven Spider)

Description: Ch'ar-Mut is a deity of unparalleled darkness and enigma within the pantheon. She is often depicted as a haunting and unsettling figure. Her head takes the form of a raven skull, an eerie and macabre visage that symbolizes her dominion over death and the afterlife. Her body is draped in tattered death shrouds that cascade like dark veils, concealing her form. Yet, beneath her waist, she transforms into a grotesque hybrid of a spider, with multiple spindly legs that crawl and skitter in a disconcerting, almost otherworldly manner. This eerie and unsettling appearance serves as a visual representation of her dominion over death, fear, and all that is unnatural.   Allies: Ch'ar-Mut maintains alliances with Corrupt Sentinels Zed-dem and Kurxong, entities whose motives and inclinations align with the darker facets of her domain. These alliances underscore her penchant for associating with deities and beings who share her ominous and foreboding nature.   Foes: In stark contrast to her allies, Ch'ar-Mut has formidable adversaries, including Konasima, Guyan, Zylestra, and the Pure Sentinels. These deities represent opposing domains or moral alignments, resulting in conflicts and rivalries that are etched into the cosmic tapestry of the world.   Believing Races: Ch'ar-Mut's influence is all-encompassing, touching the hearts and minds of all races within the world, with the notable exceptions of the Makasi and Hska. Her dark allure transcends racial boundaries, garnering a following that spans the diverse spectrum of the world's inhabitants.   Priesthoods: The followers of Ch'ar-Mut unite under the collective banner of the Church of Ch'ar-Mut. This church encompasses a diverse array of sects, each dedicated to distinct aspects of her influence. The Web Weavers, as members of the Priesthood of Death Suffering & Disease and Evil, channel her malevolent power. Sects in New Alcyria who are much like the Web Weavers but broken up into each of the different domains are The Wardens of the Long Night, Priests of Death, oversee matters of transition into the afterlife. Scourge Priests, of the Priesthood of Disease, wield her influence over affliction and suffering, while the Precious Cabal, representing the Priesthood of Evil, delve into the depths of her dark power.   Temples/Churches: The epicenter of Ch'ar-Mut's worship is the Temple of the Midnight Spider. It is the forward facing place of worship to the general public but there are many hidden in shadowy corners and concealed from prying eyes, her followers gather here to conduct secretive rituals, pay homage to their dark deity, and execute her enigmatic will.   Ch'ar-Mut, with her intricate and multifaceted nature, looms as a powerful and captivating deity within the world's pantheon, drawing followers who revere her for her dark and intricate powers and her far-reaching influence over various aspects of existence, from the mortal realm to the afterlife.

Divine Domains

Divine Domains: Ch'ar-Mut reigns over a complex tapestry of major and minor domains. Her dominion extends over Destruction, Fear, Pride, War, Disease, Fate, Unnatural Death, Trickery, and the Grave. These domains together form a vast and formidable web of power that encompasses the darkest aspects of life, death, and the afterlife.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Her symbols are potent and evocative— the raven skull and the black spider. The raven skull, a harbinger of death, embodies her mastery over mortality and fear. The black spider, with its predatory and malevolent nature, serves as a representation of her dominion over all that is unsettling and unnatural.


Eclipse of Shadows: A Commemoration of Passage and Protection The Eclipse of Shadows is a meticulously organized holy day, carefully structured to honor Ch'ar-Mut's dominion over death and the afterlife. It unfolds in the following sequence of events:   Ravenfeast: As the day begins, the congregation gathers for the Ravenfeast, a lavish and communal feast. This grand event is open to all, irrespective of social status or wealth. Dark delicacies, symbolizing Ch'ar-Mut's domain over death, are served with reverence and gratitude. It is a time of unity and communal celebration, setting the tone for the day ahead.   Dusk of Solace and Twilight Contemplation: As evening descends, the congregation gathers once more, this time in a more subdued and reflective atmosphere. The Dusk of Solace is a solemn event dedicated to commemorating those who have passed away. It is a time for the faithful to seek solace in Ch'ar-Mut's embrace, reflect on the transient nature of mortal existence, and prepare their minds and spirits for the night's introspection.   Midnight Procession: As the night unfolds, participants join the Midnight Procession. In silence, they carry candles, symbolizing the fragile nature of life, on a solemn journey through the darkness. This candlelit procession signifies the transition from life to the afterlife, offering a meditative and introspective experience.   Widow's Vigil: Following the Midnight Procession, the Widow's Vigil begins—an all-night watch dedicated to prayer and supplication. The congregation gathers for a spiritual journey, seeking protection for their loved ones from the clutches of death. It is a time of unity and shared devotion to Ch'ar-Mut, providing strength and solace to all who participate.   The Eclipse of Shadows, with its carefully orchestrated sequence of events, serves as a poignant and profound commemoration of life, death, and Ch'ar-Mut's influence over these realms. It offers the congregation an opportunity for reflection, unity, and spiritual connection within the embrace of their enigmatic goddess.
Divine Classification
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Current Residence
Planer Domain: Eternal Pit

Articles under Ch'ar-Mut


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