Church of Ch'ar-Mut

Tenets of Faith

Seek Solace in Ch'ar-Mut's Embrace: Find solace in the presence of Ch'ar-Mut, especially during times of profound grief and separation. Understand that her divine embrace offers comfort to those who seek it.   Guidance Through Adversity: Extend a helping hand and understanding to those grappling with the trials of disease and hardship. Stand as a pillar of support, offering direction and solace to individuals as they journey through challenging circumstances, providing comfort and guidance during difficult times.   Guardians of Sacred Tradition: Assume the role of guardians, preserving the age-old teachings and traditions of our faith. Safeguard the spiritual legacy that connects us to Ch'ar-Mut's profound wisdom.   Illuminating the Mind's Path: Engage in spirited philosophical discourse and thought-provoking debates, unlocking the mysteries of existence, life, and death. As Ch'ar-Mut's scholars, we journey toward enlightenment.   Honoring the Departed with Reverence: With solemnity and deep reverence, conduct funerals and high festivals. Pay homage to those who have transitioned beyond this realm, embodying Ch'ar-Mut's domains of death and reverence.   The Tenets of the secretive sect of the priesthood:   The Art of Embracing Shadows: Embrace the intricate art of the shadows, unveiling their concealed secrets. Immerse yourself in the realm of obscurity and covert knowledge, recognizing that true power often lurks in darkness.   Pursuers of Forbidden Lore: Embark on a relentless quest for forbidden knowledge, delving into the arcane and the enigmatic. Expand your comprehension of the unnatural, as Ch'ar-Mut's dominion extends even to the forbidden realms.   Masters of Weaving Destiny's Threads: Grasp the intricate threads of fate and become masters of their manipulation to further your intentions. Acknowledge that fate itself can be woven into the grand design of Ch'ar-Mut.   Sentinels of Sacred Secrecy: Vigilantly protect the clandestine activities and confidential knowledge of our church. Maintain unwavering dedication to ensuring the impenetrable veil of secrecy remains intact.   Scribes of Esoteric Knowledge: Dedicate yourselves to meticulously documenting the arcane and occult aspects of our faith, safeguarding the enigmatic wisdom of Ch'ar-Mut's mysteries. Forge a close partnership with the Keeper of Sacred Texts to craft an all-encompassing and profound record.


Balancing Open Worship and Secrecy: In the world where Ch'ar-Mut's open church worships, they face the challenge of striking a balance between cultivating positive public relations and adhering to the secrecy demanded by their deity's dark nature:   Community Guidance with Discretion: The open church openly provides guidance on frightening aspects of life, such as death and disease. They host public gatherings that are perceived as community support events, offering counseling and resources for coping with these fears. Simultaneously, they discreetly conduct more in-depth discussions and rituals for initiated members in less conspicuous settings.   Funeral Rites with Dignity: Ch'ar-Mut's followers in the open church conduct funeral rites both openly and discreetly, depending on the preferences of the grieving families. Public funerals are held with dignity and compassion, emphasizing the peaceful transition of the deceased into the afterlife. In more private settings, they perform additional rituals aligned with Ch'ar-Mut's darker aspects.   High Festivals and Holy Days: High festivals and holy days are celebrated openly, but the church maintains a cautious approach. They choose locations that offer a degree of privacy and security, ensuring that their celebrations are not disrupted by those who might oppose their faith.   Medical and Emotional Support with Compassion: While they offer medical assistance and emotional support openly, members of the open church do so with a genuine sense of compassion. They are committed to helping those in need, regardless of their beliefs, showcasing their positive contribution to the community.   Inclusivity with Careful Vetting: The open church actively reaches out to those who may be interested in their teachings, carefully vetting prospective members to assess their commitment to both secrecy and the community's well-being.   Education and Awareness with Tact: The open church educates the community about practical aspects related to death and disease, emphasizing preparedness without revealing the darker aspects of their faith. They present themselves as knowledgeable and compassionate guides through life's challenges.   By adopting this dual approach, Ch'ar-Mut's open church seeks to create a positive public image while discreetly adhering to their deity's darker inclinations in private. They understand the importance of both providing genuine support to the community and maintaining the secrecy that ensures their survival and the preservation of their faith.     In the secretive worship of Ch'ar-Mut, where followers choose to keep their faith hidden from the public eye, they navigate a delicate balance between their devotion to the deity and the need for secrecy due to the dark and often unsettling nature of their worship:   Fear of Persecution Mitigation: Worshipers who fear persecution or discrimination from mainstream religious groups are cautious in their approach. They gather in inconspicuous locations, avoiding any religious symbols or visible signs of their faith to prevent unwanted attention. Their actions and rituals are cloaked in secrecy, safeguarding them from potential harm.   Guarding Secretive Rituals: Ch'ar-Mut's secretive worship involves rituals and ceremonies that are not meant for public knowledge. These gatherings are held in utmost secrecy, with participants taking extraordinary precautions to conceal their activities. The secrecy surrounding these rituals is maintained at all costs, as they are considered disturbing or unsettling to outsiders.   Underground Cults in the Shadows: Some devout followers of Ch'ar-Mut opt for a clandestine existence as underground cults. They gather in hidden and remote locations, operating under the cover of darkness to conduct their worship without fear of exposure. These cults are tightly knit and exclusive, with initiates bound by an unbreakable code of silence.   Small, Cohesive Communities: Worshipers who seek secrecy often form small, close-knit communities. This tight cohesion allows them to establish a sense of trust and security among members. By keeping their numbers limited, they minimize the risk of infiltration or betrayal by outsiders.   Exclusive Mystery Cults: Ch'ar-Mut's secretive churches frequently function as mystery cults, where only a select few are initiated into the deeper aspects of the religion. The exclusivity of these cults enhances the sense of secrecy and intrigue, with members committed to guarding their faith's mysteries.   Stealth to Avoid Public Outrage: Recognizing the unsettling and morally ambiguous aspects of Ch'ar-Mut's worship, her followers choose to remain inconspicuous to avoid public outrage and condemnation. They operate covertly, fully aware of the negative reactions their faith might provoke in the wider community.   Surviving Hidden from Authorities: In regions where worshiping Ch'ar-Mut is considered illegal or frowned upon by the authorities, followers go to great lengths to remain hidden. They adopt multiple layers of secrecy, from covert locations to coded language, to evade detection and safeguard their faith.   Personal Devotion in Secrecy: Many devotees of Ch'ar-Mut hold deeply personal reasons for their faith and prefer to keep their devotion private. They selectively share their beliefs with a trusted few, often family members or close friends, creating an intimate circle of fellow worshipers.   In this hidden aspect of Ch'ar-Mut's worship, secrecy is paramount, as followers navigate the shadows of a world where their faith is viewed with suspicion and fear. The clandestine and mysterious nature of their worship adds layers of complexity to the religious landscape, where devotion to an evil deity remains concealed beneath the surface.


Web Weavers   High Council:   The Vicar of Ravens -The High Weaver Purpose: At the forefront of the church stands the Vicar of Ravens, commonly referred to as the High Weaver. This figure is a well-known spiritual leader who presides over the congregation. They lead open ceremonies, deliver sermons, and provide spiritual guidance to the faithful, emphasizing Ch'ar-Mut's solace for those who have lost loved ones. The High Weaver is often seen as a source of comfort and wisdom during times of grief.   The Dark Weaver is known as the "Guardian of Ancient Wisdom and Hidden Potential." This title signifies his role in preserving the church's age-old teachings and traditions. He looks out for individuals within the congregation who may possess exceptional qualities, skills, or financial resources to support the church's mission and activities. He actively ingages with community leaders as well. This dual role allows him to contribute to the church's growth and outreach while upholding its spiritual heritage.     The Widow's Quorum   Widow's Handmaiden - Healer of Shadows Purpose: The Widow's Handmaiden, These women play a crucial role in offering care and support to the afflicted, particularly during times of diseases and plagues. They operate infirmaries, offering both physical and emotional support, reflecting Ch'ar-Mut's domain over disease. Their actions are well-regarded by the during those hard times.   The Fateweaver - Purpose: The Fateweaver is known as the "Scholar of Life and Death." This title reflects their role in guiding the congregation through lectures, philosophical discussions, and debates that help the faithful explore the complexities of existence. They are widely recognized as scholars who offer valuable insights into the mysteries of life and death, assisting the community in navigating profound questions about existence.   The Shroudkeeper - Purpose: The Shroudkeeper is recognized as The keeper of Sacred Texts, rituals, and historical records within the church. They are responsible for safeguarding ancient manuscripts and knowledge, ensuring the preservation and accurate interpretation of Ch'ar-Mut's teachings and tradition   The Shroudweaver - Master of Ceremonies Porpose: The Shroudweaver, takes charge of organizing and conducting the church's public ceremonies. They oversee events such as funerals and high festivals, ensuring they are executed with solemnity and reverence, embodying Ch'ar-Mut's domain of death.   THE SHADOWBOUND COVEN   The Dark Weaver: Purpose: The Dark Weaver is the enigmatic leader of the secretive sects within the church. They oversee malevolent rituals, dark magic, and the exploration of forbidden knowledge, embodying Ch'ar-Mut's dominion over fear, destruction, and the unnatural. They are the highest authority in the church's secretive aspect.   The Threads Whisperer - Warden of Secrets: Purpose: The Threads Whisperer specializes in espionage, manipulation, and subterfuge. They infiltrate elite circles, extract secrets, and advance the church's covert objectives in alignment with Ch'ar-Mut's domains of trickery and manipulation. They answer to the Dark Weaver and play a pivotal role in the secretive hierarchy.   Keeper of the Shadowveil - Keeper of Secrets: Purpose: This role focuses on ensuring the security and secrecy of the church's covert activities. They oversee the protection of sensitive information, guard against infiltration, and maintain the clandestine nature of the church, embodying Ch'ar-Mut's domains of secrecy and protection.   The Shadow Archivist - Chronicler of Secrets: Purpose: The Shadow Archivist is responsible for meticulously documenting the secretive and occult practices within the church. While their primary focus is on the arcane and malevolent rituals, they collaborate closely with the Keeper of Sacred Texts to ensure that their records align with the broader teachings and traditions of Ch'ar-Mut, maintaining a cohesive and comprehensive record of the faith's practices.


The Alcyrian Baatu Sects have undergone a significant transformation as they adapted to the society of this new world. While their origins are rooted in the worship of Baatu, a god with similarities to Ch'ar-Mut, they have effectively integrated Ch'ar-Mut's aspects into their faith. Here's how these sects have aligned themselves with the Web Weavers to fit into this society:   Scourge Priests (Disease):"In Sickness and in Silence, We Embrace Fear"   The Scourge Priests, who once focused on diseases associated with Baatu, have seamlessly transitioned their focus to Ch'ar-Mut's domain over disease. They now see their role as not only addressing physical ailments but also spreading fear and dread through the affliction of diseases. To fit into the society and align with the Web Weavers, the Scourge Priests have adopted a more subtle approach. Instead of overtly spreading disease, they have become experts in understanding and managing outbreaks, presenting themselves as helpers and physicians. However, in secret, they still manipulate diseases when it serves Ch'ar-Mut's darker purposes.   Precious Cabal (Evil):"Seeking the Forbidden, Mastering the Abyss"   The Precious Cabal, originally serving Baatu's malevolent and secretive domain, have transitioned into aligning themselves with Ch'ar-Mut's equally sinister aspects. They've become adept at subterfuge, manipulation, and the pursuit of forbidden knowledge. To adapt to their new surroundings, the Precious Cabal has retained their secretive nature but present themselves as scholars and researchers. They delve into the mysteries of the arcane, often associated with the Trickery and Unnatural Death domains of Ch'ar-Mut, while concealing their more malevolent actions behind the facade of intellectual curiosity.   Wardens of the Long Night (Death):"Eternal Rest, Honored in Shadows"   The Wardens, originally priests of death for Baatu, have smoothly transitioned to Ch'ar-Mut's domain of death. They see their role as guardians of the passage between life and the afterlife, ensuring that souls find their way in the embrace of Ch'ar-Mut. To integrate into this world's society, the Wardens have maintained their role as caretakers of the deceased. They organize and conduct funerals and other death-related ceremonies, aligning with Ch'ar-Mut's Death domain. However, they also work discreetly to influence fate and manipulate the journey of souls when it aligns with Ch'ar-Mut's darker desires.   In this new world, the Alcyrian Baatu Sects have deftly woven themselves into the fabric of society, adapting their practices to match the theme of the Web Weavers while staying true to their core beliefs in the domains associated with Ch'ar-Mut. This harmonious integration allows them to serve their enigmatic deity while maintaining a less conspicuous presence in their adopted society.

"Through the Web of Shadows, We Find the Raven's Grace" "In Shadows We Weave, In Secrets We Thrive"

Religious, Organised Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories


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