Cult of the Obsidian Queen

In the mysterious realm of Glosmordin, beneath the towering canopies and hidden within the twisting labyrinth of the Underdark, there exists a society shrouded in veils of secrecy and draped in shadows—the enigmatic Cult of the Obsidian Queen. A whispered presence, revered and feared in equal measure, the cult traces its roots to the elven descendants known as the Mordharow, a matriarchal society dwelling in the depths.   At the heart of their clandestine devotion stands Shalori, the Obsidian Queen, a deity revered by the Mordharow for her inscrutable beauty, relentless pursuit of power, and the aura of chaos that swirls around her every move. The cult's followers, predominantly women, hold allegiance to Shalori, guided by the belief that through cunning manipulations, silent whispers, and the veiled mysteries of the Underdark, they can ascend to unparalleled might.   The cult's influence extends beyond the spiritual realm, seamlessly interwoven with the political fabric of the Mordharow. The highest echelons of leadership, both in the cult and the Matriarchy, are intertwined, ensuring that the Obsidian Queen's teachings shape the very core of their society. Men, though unable to attain the highest leadership roles, play pivotal roles in advisory positions, offering their unique perspectives to complement the wisdom of the cult's priestesses.   However, the path to power and enlightenment is veiled with challenges and secrets. Initiates undergo the Ephemeral Elevation, a rite of passage that blinds them to the mundane and opens their eyes to the mysteries of the Obsidian Queen. Through whispers, deceptions, and cunning contests, cult members navigate a labyrinth of intrigue, knowing that their devotion to Shalori not only elevates their individual power but also contributes to the grand design of the Obsidian Queen's divine plan.   As your journey begins, the Cult of the Obsidian Queen beckons you into the shadows, promising both power and peril. In the depths of the Underdark, where lavender blooms are illuminated by obsidian light, the echoes of whispered devotion reverberate, and the influence of Shalori weaves its intricate tapestry through the enigmatic cult's silent embrace.

Tenets of Faith

Embrace the Shadows: Followers are encouraged to revel in the beauty and mystique of the shadows, recognizing them as a source of strength and a symbol of Shalori's influence. Cunning Manipulation:   Devotees are taught the art of subtle manipulation, using cunning and guile to navigate the intricate webs of intrigue in both the Underdark and the wider world. Loyalty to the Obsidian Queen:   Unwavering loyalty to Shalori is paramount. Followers are bound by a commitment to serve their dark queen faithfully and further her goals with dedication. Retribution in the Shadows:   Retribution is a sacred duty. Devotees are empowered to seek vengeance against those who wrong the cult or its members, furthering the will of Shalori in the intricate dance of shadows. Subtle Alliances:   The importance of forming subtle alliances and cultivating connections is emphasized. Devotees are encouraged to weave intricate webs of influence to advance the interests of the Obsidian Queen. Study the Art of Deception:   Mastery in the art of deceit is a cherished skill. Followers are urged to hone their ability to deceive, mislead, and manipulate to serve the goals of Shalori. Boldly Worship in the Underdark:   Open worship in the Underdark is a symbol of pride. Followers are expected to boldly display their allegiance to the Obsidian Queen, fostering a sense of community and strength. Vigil in the Shadows:   Devotees engage in nightly vigils, communing with the shadows and seeking guidance from Shalori. The quiet introspection during these moments strengthens the connection between the followers and their dark queen. Strive for Ascendancy:   Aspire for greatness and the ascendancy of Shalori. Followers are driven to contribute to the growth and influence of the Obsidian Queen, seeking to expand her dominion in the shadows and beyond.


Daily Rituals: Umbral Matins: In the quiet hours before the Underdark stirs to life, cultists partake in Umbral Matins, a meditative session that connects them with the mysterious depths. This introspective ritual is designed to attune followers to the subtle energies of the subterranean realm.   Whispered Vigils: Throughout the day, cultists engage in whispered vigils, seeking solace and divine guidance. These private moments of communion with the Obsidian Queen occur in secluded alcoves, reinforcing the cult's commitment to clandestine worship.   Nocturnal Offerings: As the Underdark envelops itself in perpetual night, cultists gather for Nocturnal Offerings, a communal ceremony where symbolic gifts are presented to Shalori. These offerings include items representing the subterranean flora and fauna.   Priestly Vestments:   Abyssal Attire: Cult priests don garments reminiscent of the abyssal depths, adorned with patterns that echo the mysteries of the Underdark. Accents in deep hues symbolize the connection to Shalori's divine essence within the subterranean realm.   Obsidian Emblems: Adorned with obsidian amulets, clergy members wear symbols that evoke the dark beauty of the Underdark. These emblems serve as both a mark of allegiance and a conduit for divine energies.   Veil of Subterrane: Higher-ranking priests don a thin, semi-transparent veil representing the veiled mysteries of the Underdark and the hidden truths guarded by the Obsidian Queen.   Special Ceremonies:   Abyssal Revelries: Celebrated periodically, Abyssal Revelries are grand ceremonies where cultists participate in communal dances, mystical performances, and share stories of the wonders found in the depths of the Underdark.   Ephemeral Elevation: During this initiation ceremony, new members pledge allegiance to Shalori. Initiates are blindfolded and guided through symbolic trials that emphasize their commitment to the secrets of the subterranean world.   Subterranean Pinnacle: Conducted during significant celestial alignments in the Underdark, the Subterranean Pinnacle is a powerful ritual that amplifies Shalori's influence. Cultists create intricate patterns using symbols of the subterranean realm, connecting with the goddess and enhancing her dominion.   Abyssal Confluence: A rare and sacred event where cultists gather to conduct the Abyssal Confluence, a ceremony channeling the energies of the Underdark to empower high-ranking clergy members and deepen their connection to Shalori.   Communal Practices:   Silent Assemblies: High-ranking cult members engage in Silent Assemblies, secretive meetings where major decisions are made and strategies are discussed. These assemblies underscore the importance of maintaining unity while navigating the complexities of cult politics.   Umbral Showcases: Gatherings where the cult's mystical knowledge is shared among members, Umbral Showcases focus on the wonders and mysteries found within the subterranean realm. Higher-ranking clergy reveal insights into the flora, fauna, and unique phenomena of the Underdark.   Deceptive Duels: To foster a spirit of competition and ambition, the cult occasionally organizes Deceptive Duels. These contests range from intellectual puzzles to acts of subterfuge, providing opportunities for followers to showcase their skills and ascend within the hierarchy.   Men in Government Leadership Roles: While men cannot hold the highest leadership positions, they play crucial roles in various government departments and advisory roles. Men often lead specific agencies, manage administrative tasks, and serve as advisors on matters that benefit from diverse perspectives.   Strategic Advisors: Men in government serve as strategic advisors, contributing their insights on military affairs, diplomacy, and economic strategies. Their perspectives are valued for their pragmatic approach and ability to complement the spiritual guidance provided by the cult.   Cultural and Artistic Affairs: Men often lead departments dedicated to cultural and artistic affairs. This includes overseeing festivals, artistic endeavors, and educational initiatives that contribute to the cultural richness of Mordharow society.   Men in the Cult Leadership:   Within the cult, men can ascend to leadership roles below the highest echelons. They may lead specific branches, manage logistical aspects, and contribute to the overall growth of the cult's influence.   Ceremonial Roles: Men are involved in ceremonial roles within the cult, assisting in rituals, maintaining sacred spaces, and participating in events that celebrate the teachings of Shalori. Their presence adds diversity and unity to the communal worship experience.   Educational Initiatives: Men can lead educational initiatives within the cult, focusing on the teachings of Shalori, history, and arcane arts. Their involvement ensures a holistic understanding of the goddess's teachings among the followers.   Collaboration and Unity:   Complementary Roles: The governance structure emphasizes collaboration between men and women, recognizing the complementary strengths each gender brings to leadership roles. The goal is to create a harmonious society where the strengths of all individuals contribute to the flourishing of Mordharow.   Shared Vision: Men in leadership positions understand the importance of the Obsidian Queen's teachings and work collaboratively with their female counterparts to ensure the government and the cult share a unified vision for the well-being of the Mordharow.   Leadership Training and Development:   Equal Access to Education: Men have equal access to education and training within the Mordharow society. This ensures that individuals, regardless of gender, can develop the skills necessary for leadership roles in both the government and the cult.   Merit-Based Ascension: Men who display exceptional skills, loyalty, and dedication have opportunities to ascend within their respective organizations. Merit-based ascension encourages healthy competition and ensures that the most qualified individuals, regardless of gender, assume leadership roles.   Social Harmony Measures:   Community Engagement: Both men and women participate in community engagement initiatives, fostering social harmony within Mordharow. Collaborative efforts emphasize the shared values of the Obsidian Queen's teachings, promoting unity and mutual respect.   Inclusivity: Policies are in place to promote inclusivity and discourage gender-based discrimination. These measures contribute to a society where the talents and abilities of all individuals are acknowledged and utilized for the greater good of the Mordharow.


High Shadowlord/High Shadowlady: The supreme leader of the cult, known as the High Shadowlord or High Shadowlady, holds absolute authority. This individual is believed to be directly chosen by Shalori herself. Their word is law, and they dictate the overall direction and goals of the cult. Shrouded Council:   A group of advisors and confidantes who assist the High Shadowlord/High Shadowlady in decision-making. Each member of the Shrouded Council oversees a specific aspect of the cult's activities, such as recruitment, espionage, or ritualistic practices. The council members may vie for the favor of the High Shadowlord/Lady. Dark Inquisitors:   Charged with maintaining internal order, Dark Inquisitors are skilled interrogators and enforcers. They root out traitors, heretics, and those who threaten the stability of the cult. Ambitious individuals within this role may exploit their position to eliminate rivals and climb the ranks. Shadowbound Adepts:   Cultists who have demonstrated exceptional devotion and skill in the arcane arts. Shadowbound Adepts serve as advisors, teachers, and ritualists. They often vie for recognition and favor from higher-ups, using their mystical prowess to gain influence. Ebon Blades:   Elite enforcers and bodyguards, Ebon Blades are formidable warriors and assassins. They protect high-ranking members of the cult and eliminate external threats. Due to their combat prowess, some Ebon Blades aspire to positions of power, seeing themselves as potential leaders. Whispering Cultists:   The general body of cultists responsible for day-to-day activities. They participate in rituals, recruitment, and other mundane tasks. Ambitious Whispering Cultists often engage in subtle acts of deception and manipulation to advance within the organization. Veiled Shadows:   Entry-level members and initiates into the cult. Veiled Shadows undergo a period of testing and initiation. Aspiring cultists may use deceit and cunning to gain recognition from higher-ups, proving their worthiness and commitment. Internal Dynamics:   Deceptive Machinations:   Lies, deceit, and betrayal are common tools for advancement within the cult. Members vie for positions of power, often undermining rivals through covert means. Loyalty is constantly tested, and individuals are encouraged to use any means necessary to climb the hierarchy. Ruthless Ambition:   The cult thrives on ambition, and individuals are expected to be ruthless in their pursuit of power. Assassinations, blackmail, and manipulation are not only condoned but encouraged, creating an environment where only the cunning and strong-willed survive. Shadow Games:   The cult operates as a complex web of intrigue, with members engaging in subtle power struggles. Those who excel in the art of shadow games are more likely to ascend through the ranks. The leadership encourages this dynamic, believing it strengthens the cult by promoting the survival of the fittest.

Political Influence & Intrigue

High Matriarch/Matron: The highest authority in both the Mordharow government and the Cult of the Obsidian Queen is the High Matriarch or Matron. This individual holds dual roles, serving as the political leader of the Mords and the spiritual leader of the cult. The High Matriarch is considered the living embodiment of Shalori's will on Glosmordin. Council of Shadows:   Supporting the High Matriarch is the Council of Shadows, a body of influential women who oversee various aspects of governance and cult affairs. This council consists of high-ranking priestesses and skilled politicians, ensuring a seamless integration of political and religious power. Cult-Government Interaction:   Symbiotic Relationship: The cult and the Mordharow government maintain a symbiotic relationship. The High Matriarch often emerges from the ranks of the cult's leadership, emphasizing the intertwining of political and religious authority. The government relies on the cult for ideological guidance and spiritual legitimacy, while the cult gains political influence and protection.   Dual Allegiance: Members of the cult who hold leadership roles in the government pledge dual allegiance to both the Matriarchy and Shalori. This dual allegiance ensures that decisions made in the government align with the goddess's will, fostering unity and a shared vision.   Cultist Advisors: Within the government, select cultists serve as advisors, providing spiritual insights to the political decision-making process. The influence of the Obsidian Queen's teachings is woven into the fabric of Mordharow society, guiding policies and cultural practices.   Cult Initiatives: The government actively supports and funds cult initiatives, recognizing the role of the Obsidian Queen's worship in shaping the values of the Mords. This includes the construction of temples, cultural events, and initiatives that strengthen the cult's influence in the region.   Leadership Succession:   Cult Influence in Succession: The succession of the High Matriarch often involves a combination of political maneuvering and cult influence. The Council of Shadows plays a significant role in endorsing candidates, ensuring that the chosen leader is not only politically adept but also aligned with the teachings of Shalori.   Religious Rites of Succession: The ascension of a new High Matriarch includes religious rites conducted by the cult. These rites, known as the Veiled Coronation, symbolize the divine approval of Shalori and solidify the leader's legitimacy in the eyes of both the Mordharow government and the cult.   Cult Infiltration Concerns:   Political Security Measures: While the relationship is symbiotic, there are concerns within the Mordharow government about potential cult infiltration for nefarious purposes. Security measures are in place to ensure that cult influence remains positive and aligned with the government's interests.   Cult Independence: The government is cautious not to grant the cult unchecked power, and there are mechanisms in place to address situations where the interests of the government and the cult may diverge. This careful balance prevents the undue influence of the cult on political matters.

"Cunning Minds, Silent Whispers, Darkest nights In Shalori's Embrace, We Find Our Might."

Alternative Names
Notable Members