Shalori Mori Tiquelsarn (Sha Loree, Mor i, Tee Kwel Sarn)

Obsidian Queen (a.k.a. Shalori Valth, Beloved, The Blood Queen)

In the shadowed realms of Glosmordin, where the whispers of intrigue dance through the caverns and the subtle art of manipulation shapes the destinies of the elvenkind, there exists a deity veiled in mystery and draped in the lavender hues of twilight—Shalori, the Obsidian Queen.   Born from the depths of the Underdark, Shalori rose from the heart of the elven race, the Dokkjoro, whose lives were eternally touched by the beauty of shadows. Daughter to Zylestra, a night elf elevated to godhood, Shalori embodies the darker facets of elven existence. But unlike her divine kin, Shalori seeks a dominion beyond the celestial skies—a kingdom of her own creation in the elusive realm known as the Midnight Obscura.   Shrouded in vengeance and draped in the veils of cunning, Shalori's divine touch breathes life into the Obsidian Covenant, a devoted sect of followers known as the Mord. They, too, hail from the Underdark, exiled and cursed by the elven realms above for their ties to the elusive Obsidian Queen.   Whispers speak of Shalori's insatiable hunger for power, her intricate dance with chaos, and the cunning plots woven in the shadows. Her holy days are marked by Lavender Masquerades and Ephemeral Oaths, where the beauty of deceit and the secrecy of shadows intertwine in an enigmatic tapestry.   As the players embark on their journey through Glosmordin, they will encounter the subtle manipulations of Shalori's devout, witness the mysterious rituals in her name, and navigate the delicate dance between retribution and veiled alliances. In the shadows, the Obsidian Queen awaits, her realm stretching beyond mortal comprehension, and her divine goals unfurling in the intricate dance of shadows and whispers.

Divine Domains

Major Spheres:   Revenge: Shalori is a deity fueled by the desire for retribution. She empowers her followers to seek vengeance against perceived slights and wrongs, promoting a culture of retaliation and settling scores.   Assassination: Shalori's touch extends to the realm of covert operations and deadly precision. Her followers are skilled in the arts of assassination, lurking in the shadows to eliminate enemies and sow fear among those who oppose her.   Underdark: The goddess holds dominion over the vast subterranean realms. Her influence strengthens in the depths, fostering the growth of her followers and enabling them to navigate the intricate networks of the Underdark.   Trickery: In her pursuit of power and manipulation, Shalori employs trickery and deceit as essential tools. Lies are woven into the fabric of her influence, allowing her to control narratives, undermine opponents, and maintain a mysterious aura that keeps her followers in awe.   Chaos: Shalori thrives in an environment of disorder. Chaos is both a means and an end for her, as she fosters discord, encourages unpredictability, and revels in the tumultuous nature of Glosmordin.   Minor Spheres:   Darkness: Shalori is intimately tied to the shroud of darkness. She can manipulate shadows, obscure vision, and create an environment where her followers thrive, unseen and feared by those who would stand against them.   War: Shalori revels in the chaos of conflict. She blesses her followers with martial prowess, strategic insight, and the relentless pursuit of victory on the battlefield.   Destruction: Shalori's power extends to the force of destruction. Whether in warfare or subtle manipulations, she encourages the tearing down of structures, societies, and obstacles that stand in the way of her followers' ascent.


Whispering Amulet of Deceit: An intricately crafted amulet adorned with delicate lavender-hued gemstones, the Whispering Amulet of Deceit is a divine artifact associated with Shalori. As a symbol of the goddess's affinity for manipulation and cunning, this amulet carries a subtle enchantment that allows its wearer to weave persuasive illusions and sow discord through spoken words. Those who don the amulet gain the ability to convey half-truths and veiled suggestions with an almost musical charm, making it a favored tool among Shalori's followers during diplomatic intrigues.   Obsidian Spindle of Shadows: This unique artifact resembles a finely carved spindle made from obsidian, intricately designed with lavender runes. The Obsidian Spindle of Shadows is a representation of Shalori's mastery over the subtle threads of manipulation and shadow. Those who possess this artifact can unravel and manipulate the fabric of reality itself, creating illusions, misdirections, and shadowy mirages to confound and deceive enemies. The spindle becomes a conduit for Shalori's influence, allowing her devotees to dance within the shadows with unparalleled finesse.

Holy Books & Codes

Obsidian Codex: The primary sacred text of Shalori's followers, the Obsidian Codex, is a lavishly adorned tome bound in dark leather. Its pages, a mix of parchment and nightshade-infused paper, detail the lore, teachings, and rituals of the Obsidian Queen. The codex is divided into chapters, each focusing on a specific aspect of Shalori's domains, from revenge and assassination to the subtle arts of manipulation.   Shadowed Treatise on Vendettas: An ancient treatise outlining the principles and philosophies of seeking vengeance in the name of Shalori. The Shadowed Treatise on Vendettas serves as a guide for followers navigating the intricate path of retribution.   Subtle Manipulations Psalter: The Subtle Manipulations Psalter is a sacred volume encapsulating the enigmatic arts and clandestine rituals dedicated to Shalori's realm of influence. Bound in lavishly adorned leather, its cover bears intricate lavender patterns, mirroring the goddess's elven heritage. Within its pages, poetic verses and subtle hymns delve into the intricacies of manipulation, trickery, and the cunning stratagems that define the divine influence of the Obsidian Queen.   Each entry in the psalter serves as a whispered guide, leading followers through the dance of shadows and the artistry of manipulation. The verses are meticulously crafted to evoke the essence of Shalori's domains, emphasizing the beauty found within the subtle yet powerful maneuvers orchestrated by her devoted followers. As devotees recite these subtle manipulations, they become part of a mystical symphony that resonates with the goddess's influence, furthering the cause of the Obsidian Covenant in the shadows of Glosmordin.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Nightshade Bloom of Shalori: The Nightshade Bloom of Shalori is an exquisite emblem capturing the essence of the Obsidian Queen's influence. At its core lies a lavender nightshade flower, its elegant petals gracefully forming a crescent moon. Nestled within the heart of the bloom, glossy black berries glisten mysteriously, symbolizing the hidden depths of Shalori's power.   The lavender hues evoke the tranquil yet enigmatic nature of the night, reflecting Shalori's affinity with the moonlit darkness. The crescent shape signifies her guiding light and the subtle danger concealed within her teachings. Each glossy black berry represents a secret, a whisper, or an act of cunning manipulation, encapsulating the intricate web woven by Shalori and her devoted followers.   This symbol serves as a potent mark, embodying the beauty, mystique, and concealed power that define the Obsidian Queen's divine influence. Whether adorning ceremonial items, religious artifacts, or the skin of her faithful, the Nightshade Bloom stands as an iconic representation of devotion to Shalori.


Lavender Masquerade: An annual festival where followers wear lavender-hued masks, symbolizing the beauty and mystery of Shalori's influence. The Lavender Masquerade involves music, dance, and subtle competitions showcasing the cunning and grace of her devotees.   Shadow's Embrace: Celebrated during the longest night of the year, Shadow's Embrace is a time when followers gather to express gratitude for Shalori's guidance in the shadows. Rituals involve symbolic acts of veiling, illusion, and the exchange of whispered secrets.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Ascendancy and Godhood: Shalori's ultimate ambition is to ascend to greater heights of divine power and achieve godhood. This involves increasing her influence, gaining more followers, and further establishing her dominion over the shadows and the arts of manipulation. Cultivation of Chaos and Discord: Shalori seeks to sow chaos and discord among the mortal realms. Her divine influence encourages conflicts, rivalries, and the destabilization of established orders. The more chaos she cultivates, the more her power grows.   Retribution and Vengeance: As a goddess of vengeance, Shalori aims to mete out retribution for perceived slights against her and her followers. She desires to see justice served in her own way, punishing those who oppose or undermine her influence.   Expansion of the Obsidian Covenant: Shalori works towards expanding the reach of her devoted followers, the Obsidian Covenant. She desires to have a significant presence among the mortal races, particularly those drawn to the shadows and the cunning arts.   Manipulation of Mortal Affairs: Shalori is keen on manipulating the intricate web of mortal affairs to further her goals. This involves influencing political landscapes, instigating conflicts, and subtly guiding the actions of individuals to serve her interests.   Creation of a Shadow Kingdom: Shalori aspires to establish a powerful kingdom in the shadows, a realm known as the Midnight Obscura. This kingdom would serve as a center of power for her followers and a bastion of her influence in the otherworldly realms.   Acquisition of Mystical Knowledge: Shalori seeks to acquire mystical knowledge and secrets that can enhance her divine powers. This involves delving into ancient lore, uncovering hidden truths, and gaining insights that can give her a strategic advantage.   Weakening of Rival Deities: Shalori harbors a desire to weaken and undermine rival deities whose domains may intersect with hers or pose a threat to her ascension. This involves strategic maneuvers and subtle plots to diminish the power of competing divine entities.   These divine goals reflect Shalori's nature as a deity of shadows, manipulation, and retribution, showcasing her ambitions in the intricate dance of godly influence within the fantasy world of Glosmordin.



She reigns in a small Kingdom in the Midnight Obscura

Family Ties

Was a daughter of Zylestra but has nothing to do with her

Religious Views

She believes in herself and wants her Mordharow followers to grow so she has more power
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Current Residence
Midnight Obscura
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light lavender
Aligned Organization
Founded Settlements

Articles under Shalori Mori Tiquelsarn


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