Disciples of the Black Veins

Within the shadows that cloak the world in secrecy and malevolence, there exists a clandestine sect known only as the Disciples of the Black Veins. These individuals, devoted to the sinister deity Nekcrom, operate in the deepest recesses of society, their existence obscured from the prying eyes of the righteous.


Membership: The Disciples of the Black Veins are a secretive sect devoted to the malevolent deity Nekcrom. Each member holds a position of influence or leadership within various sectors of society, utilizing their power to further Nekcrom's dark agenda. There is no formal hierarchy within the sect, and members operate independently and in isolation from one another, remaining unaware of others unless exposed.   Structure: There is no formal structure or hierarchy within the sect. Members operate autonomously and independently, with no centralized leadership or chain of command. Communication and coordination among members occur sporadically and covertly, facilitated by messengers known as Shadowspeakers. Shadowspeakers serve as conduits for communication, delivering cryptic messages and signs through obscure channels such as coded letters, symbolic graffiti, or anonymous messages.


The Disciples of the Black Veins are a shadowy collective, bound together by their unwavering allegiance to Nekcrom. Their existence is a closely guarded secret, known only to those who walk the darkest paths of the underworld. Each disciple operates independently, their identities concealed behind layers of deception and anonymity. Many members remain unaware of others who share their allegiance, fostering a sense of isolation and paranoia within the ranks of the sect.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The disciples operate covertly, working to further Nekcrom's dark agenda from within the shadows of society. Each member maintains secrecy and anonymity, protecting their identity and allegiance from exposure. Despite their isolation, members may become aware of each other or potential recruits, leading to the sharing of secrets and the establishment of clandestine communication channels. Throughout history, the disciples have experienced false alarms and premature mobilizations, often leading to exposure and betrayal by infiltrators or adversaries. Those who escape detection remain resilient, learning from their mistakes and strengthening their commitment to Nekcrom's cause. The disciples await the signs of Nekcrom's imminent succession of power, ever ready to fulfill their dark purpose and unleash chaos and destruction upon the world. Through their shared devotion and clandestine methods of communication, they remain vigilant, prepared to act decisively in moments of crisis or perceived impending doom.

"May the Blood Run Black" "Surround yourself in the Black Flames"

Secret, Religious sect
Notable Members


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