
(a.k.a. Al Vengar (Alcyrians), Sacrom (Vales) Haruhyar (Elven), NagDurKhrum (Dwarven) Nekcrom (most Humans, Cynndraaki, Makasi, Morsidhi))

Introduction: In the realm of deities and dark mysteries, few names are whispered with as much trepidation as that of Nekcrom. A malevolent deity shrouded in obscurity, Nekcrom is a figure whose name escapes the lips of most, save for those who invoke it in curses or call upon its sinister power for nefarious deeds. While the knowledge of Nekcrom's existence is undeniable, the depths of his malevolence remain hidden beneath layers of enigma. This god, a harbinger of chaos and destruction, holds dominion over all that is wicked and casts a foreboding shadow over the forces of good.   A Cosmic Rivalry Unveiled: The legendary conflict between Valinos and his brother, the god of evil, Neckrom, is no mystery. Its details are chronicled in many sacred books, kept by Nekcrom's companions. Accompanying Nekcrom are Ch'ar-Mut, Zid-De, and Kurxang, each a god who serves him and themselves. This protracted and fierce battle was eventually halted by their father, Janek, a turning point in the cosmic struggle of good and evil. Little is known of what became of Nekcrom. Although it is said that his brother Valinos is in a state of repose, most do not believe that Nekcrom can trust his legion of helper gods to their own devices. But little is known of where he resides or how much he personally contributes anymore. They just know that he is real and that his evil is nothing to scoff at.   Description: Nekcrom, the embodiment of malevolence, tyranny, and darkness, stands as an enigmatic figure in the pantheon of deities. His alignment is steeped in evil, representing the most sinister aspects of the world, perpetually locked in a relentless struggle against the forces of good. Few deities and mortals dare to tread in the shadow of his malevolent influence.   Allies and Foes: Nekcrom's influence extends across realms, attracting followers from all walks of darkness. His allies are found among the ranks of those who embrace their malevolent inclinations, irrespective of their origin. However, he is relentlessly opposed by the champions of good, as all those who stand for righteousness and justice are his sworn foes.   Worshiping Races: Nekcrom's dark allure has ensnared the hearts of various races, including Humans, Dwarves, Vales, Shailill (elves), cynndraaki, morsidhi, and Makasi. His sinister influence transcends racial boundaries, drawing followers from the farthest corners of the world.   Cultural Names: Nekcrom is known by different names in various cultures, reflecting the diversity of his worshipers. Among the Alcyrians, he is referred to as Al Vengar, while the Vales know him as Sacrom. The elves invoke him as Haruhyar, and the Dwarves call upon NagDurKhrum. In most Human societies, as well as among the Cynndraaki, Makasi, and Morsidhi, he is known simply as Nekcrom.   Priesthoods: Nekcrom's dark influence extends even to his followers, who operate in the shadows with secrecy and cunning. There are no formal or organized priests who openly serve him. Instead, whispers abound of clandestine devotees known as the Black Veins. These followers, shrouded in darkness, are identified by the black blood that flows through their veins, a macabre symbol of their devotion to Nekcrom's malevolent cause.   Temple/Churches: The worship of Nekcrom exists in the shadows, with no known formal temples or churches dedicated to his name. Instead, grim shrines devoted to the god of malevolence are hidden in unsavory and hidden corners of the world. These shrines, often concealed from the eyes of the righteous, serve as gathering places for those who seek Nekcrom's power and favor.   Typical Followers/Believers: Nekcrom's insidious influence extends far and wide, yet most of his followers would never openly admit to their allegiance. His devotees can be found among the ranks of underworld criminals, power-hungry politicians, and ruthless tyrants. In the darkness, they draw strength from Nekcrom's malevolent aura, perpetuating his wicked agenda in secrecy and shadows.   In the realm of gods and deities, Nekcrom continues to shroud himself in darkness, a figure of evil whose power remains as potent as ever. The celestial struggle between good and evil endures, and Nekcrom's name serves as a constant reminder that his malevolence is a force to be reckoned with, even as his whereabouts remain a mystery.

Divine Domains

Death, Tempest, Trickery, Darkness, War, Destruction, Chaos, Pestulance, Misfortuen, Fear Insanity/Madness, Vengence, Torment, Lies, Tyranny, Undeath, Vices, Void

Holy Books & Codes

The Book of Whispers

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Circled Black Fire that radiates blackness

Personality Characteristics


God of Evil


Family Ties

Mother: Majika Father: Harbardjarthod Brother: Valinos



Brother (Vital)

Towards Nekcrom




Brother (Vital)

Towards Valinos





Towards Nekcrom




Towards Majka


Divine Classification
Divine Gods
Any Evil Alignment
Valinos (Brother)
Current Residence
The Negative Plane
Aligned Organization


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