Government: Abdasham

Government: City-State with Nomadic Tribesman in the outlying areas                         Description: The Head of the family is the leader of the tribe. A first-born son usually determines this. If no son is born than the eldest second son or brother becomes leader and so forth. Women are never allowed to rule. The head of the family makes all decisions that affect the tribe as a whole. This tribe is nomadic and allows intermarriage. They do discourage marriage outside of their faith and they do allow you to be adopted into the tribe. Most in this tribe are merchants and sell there wares. Laws & Justice: very strict about thieving. Cutting off the offending hand. They are very laxed on drinking and women of ill repute, but sleep with a lady of respect married or otherwise will land you a death sentence . Women have very little rights here. Your lineage,  beauty, and ability to give sons or extremely beautiful daughters often times determines your worth. They are not concerned about the modesty of their women. Women are encouraged to dress provocative. But if a women is raped or soiled by someone other than their husbands. They loose their rank and status and are tatooed, they may become prostitutes if they choose and many become extremely wealthy otherwise they can become servents, hand maidens, or midwives. Midwives are both revered and feared. As many become witches.  Women are  never stoned or killed and the murder of a women is the worst of crimes


  • Sharadi Desert Territory
Geopolitical, Tribe
Neighboring Nations


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