Government: Rajendra Empire


The Head of a Sataroo caste family is the current leader and only a male may be leader. There are other families within this caste but the current family to hold power is the Gaadaha Family. This position of leadership is passed on through the first-born son. If no son is available then the eldest second brother may become leader. If no legitimate male from the highest caste were able to take on this role then and only then would the eldest son of the next highest caste (Boorah or priestly) will be leader down to the Talasaharsee caste. As soon as a legitimate son is born and old enough to rule then this leader will hand over leadership. If he does not it is the rightful duty of the Talasaharsee or Warrior caste to make sure a leader caste is put on the thrown. This usually only happens when multiple families within the Sataroo caste are vying for power. The other castes may never hold leadership positions except a Boodoogar.


Follows a caste system called the Jipzaadee. The caste system is as follows: First and highest - Sataroo (Ruling), Second - Boorah (Priestly), Third - Talasaharsee (Warrior), Fourth - Jaadoogar (Sorcerers) are those born into it. But those of the higher class that choose to be apart of this class are called Boodoogar and those of the lower classes that join are called Mardoogar , Fifth - Shahooron (Bankers, Moneylenders), Sixth - Misradiya (Merchant, Artisians Craftsmen), Seventh - Marjipdoo (Laborers & Servants) and lastly Eighth - Jipsids (Barbarians). Intermarriage between the castes is allowed only from the Jaadoogar and down, but is extremly frowned upon.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Leader Title
Family Leader
Government System
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