Hskan - Goliaths

Koshkmar (Nightmare) Yeraskmar (Daydreams)

Civilization and Culture


Hska are a race that has been misunderstood for many generations. Much of their history they have been enslaved by Giants. They are usually pacifists but have been forced into serving armies because of there size and can be formidable opponents. Hska usually like to keep to themselves and travel in family groups selling wears. It is said that they won their freedom from the giants by the dwarves, whether this is true or just legends it has been forgotten by most. Hska usually will not talk of that period of their history, but they are very likely to do anything for dwarves. They are usually very talkative to friends but seem very quiet with others of their race. This is because they usually speak telepathically with those of their own kind.

Articles under Hskan - Goliaths


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