The Priesthood of Spiritual Manipulation

The Priesthood of Spiritual Manipulation is a sacred order dedicated to Tirris, the Goddess of Dreams, Kindness, and Psychic Mastery. This priesthood is deeply connected to the exploration of the mind, psionic abilities, and the pursuit of higher consciousness. Its members are known as "Dreamweavers" or "Psionists," and they are devoted to promoting self-discovery, empathy, and spiritual growth.


The culture of the priesthood is one of introspection, meditation, and self-discovery. Members often engage in regular meditation sessions to explore their own consciousness and unlock their psionic potential. They celebrate the diversity of dreams and believe in the interconnectedness of all beings through the realm of dreams.

Public Agenda

The Priesthood of Spiritual Manipulation seeks to share the teachings of Tirris with the world, helping individuals explore the power of their own minds and the realm of dreams. They aim to promote empathy, kindness, and selflessness as means to attain higher consciousness. The priesthood also offers guidance in understanding and using psionic abilities for the betterment of individuals and society.

Tenets of Faith

Embrace the Dreamer Within: The practice of Somnithurgy teaches that within each individual resides a dreamer, capable of exploring the vast realm of dreams and the subconscious. Embrace this inner dreamer, and awaken to the power of your own mind.   Kindness as a Guiding Light: Central to the Priesthood of Spiritual Manipulation is the belief that kindness and empathy are the foundations of higher consciousness. Treat others with compassion and nurture the collective dream of a better world.   Weave the Threads of Your Dreams: Explore the tapestry of your own dreams, for they hold the key to self-discovery and inner wisdom. Each dream is a thread in the fabric of your being, waiting to be woven into a more profound understanding of yourself.   Unlock the Power of Somnithurgy: Somnithurgy, the art of spiritual manipulation, allows you to understand and shape your own fate. Use these abilities responsibly, with the intention of benefiting both yourself and others.   Connect with the Dream Realm: The Onyric realm is the bridge between dreams and reality. Through meditation and Somnithurgy, connect with this ethereal domain to gain insights into the interconnectedness of all things and the fabric of your fate.   Practice Mindful Reverie: Through the practice of mindful reverie, attain a state of heightened consciousness and self-awareness. By doing so, you can unlock your inner potential and gain a deeper understanding of your own fate and the world around you.   Balance Light and Dark: Just as dreams contain both light and dark elements, life itself is a tapestry of contrasts. Embrace the duality of existence, understanding that darkness is a necessary counterpart to light, shaping the tapestry of your fate.   Share the Wisdom of Dreams and Fate: Encourage others to explore their dreams and understand the power of spiritual manipulation. Share your knowledge, guide those in need, and together, weave a brighter, kinder reality, illuminating the threads of fate that connect us all.


The ethics of this priesthood revolve around compassion, empathy, and the responsible use of psionic powers. Dreamweavers are expected to uphold the highest moral standards, respecting the boundaries of others and using their abilities for healing and protection rather than manipulation.


Worship within the Priesthood of Spiritual Manipulation involves meditation, dream interpretation, and communal ceremonies. These ceremonies often revolve around the phases of the moon, as dreams are believed to be particularly potent during these times. Worshipers gather to share their dreams, seek guidance from the psionic instructors, and participate in empathetic and kind acts to reinforce the teachings of Tirris.   This priesthood acts as a guiding light, leading individuals towards self-discovery and higher consciousness, all under the benevolent influence of Tirris, the Goddess of Dreams, Kindness, and Psionics.   Day-to-Day Activities: The day-to-day activities of these priests include meditation, both solitary and communal, to enhance their psionic abilities and foster inner peace. They often engage in acts of charity and offer healing services to those in need. Their daily lives are characterized by acts of kindness and selflessness.   Holy Days and Important Ceremonies: One of the most important holy days is the "Festival of Compassion," during which followers celebrate acts of kindness, compassion, and the use of psionic abilities for healing. The "Nights of Serenity" are another significant event, dedicated to meditation, reflection, and the strengthening of psionic connections.


The priesthood is organized into a hierarchy of roles, with each role serving a specific purpose within the temple. The hierarchy typically includes the following positions:
  • High Dreamweaver: The spiritual leader of the priesthood, responsible for guiding the faith, interpreting dreams, and ensuring the alignment with Tirris' teachings.
  • Psionic Instructors: Skilled psionists who teach the art of harnessing psionic abilities and meditation techniques to members of the priesthood and the broader community.
  • Dream Interpreters: Those who specialize in deciphering dreams and helping individuals explore their inner selves.
  • Healers of the Mind: Practitioners who use psionics to heal and provide mental support to those in need.
  • Novices: Initiates who are in training and learning the ways of the priesthood.

"Unlock the potential of your mind, and you unlock the secrets of the universe."

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