Temple of Proclamations

The Temple of Proclamations stands as an awe-inspiring testament to the sacredness of contracts, the interplay of spirituality and bureaucracy, and the profound influence of Goddess Amyrith, The Judge of the Dead. Nestled within the heart of Glosmordin, this grand edifice is an embodiment of the deity's divine principles and the foundation of just governance.

Purpose / Function

The Two Priesthoods: Two main priesthoods, the Order of the Final Edict and the Order of the Sovereign Oaths, work in unison within the temple. The priests of the Final Edict solemnize funerals, particularly for rulers, government officials, and those who seek favor in Amyrith's judgment for the departed. The Sovereign Oaths oversee the sanctity of oaths and pledges, ensuring that the sanctity of the goddess's principles is upheld for all.   Administrative Sanctum: Within the Temple of Proclamations, it's often challenging to distinguish where the spiritual sanctum ends and the bureaucracy begins. This blurring of lines is a testament to the importance placed on contracts, oaths, and the pursuit of justice. The temple functions as a vital hub for the administration of legal documents, where intricate contracts and agreements are meticulously recorded, preserved, and overseen.   Sacred Ceremonies: The Temple of Proclamations is a site where sacred ceremonies intertwine with bureaucratic rituals. The solemnization of contracts is a spiritual act, and oaths sworn within its hallowed halls carry divine weight. The temple plays host to grand events where new rulers take their oaths of office, binding themselves to just and fair governance.   The Scroll Chambers: At the heart of the temple are the Scroll Chambers, an awe-inspiring repository of knowledge. Here, rows upon rows of scrolls and documents are preserved, recording the wisdom of laws, governance, and the eternal pursuit of justice. These scrolls are tended to with meticulous care by the clergy, ensuring that the wisdom they contain is always accessible to those in need.   Divine Sanctity: Despite its blend of bureaucracy, spirituality, and grandeur, the Temple of Proclamations never forgets its primary purpose: to sanctify the sacredness of a contract. The goddess's presence is palpable, reminding all who enter of the eternal wisdom of Amyrith and the sanctity of her principles. The temple is a testament to the belief that a contract, upheld justly, is a sacred covenant that ensures the harmony and balance of Glosmordin.


temple's architecture is nothing short of magnificent. Its grand façade is adorned with intricate carvings, representing the timeless dance of balance and justice. Its towering spires and sweeping archways create an atmosphere of reverence and awe, drawing people from far and wide.
Temple / Church
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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