The Red Dahlia: Philosophical and Warrior Paths

The Red Dahlia offers a unique blend of philosophical and martial training, deeply rooted in the teachings of Quaynot. founded by Tahneen Shammael and expanded by his son Khazak Shammael, it offers two distinct paths for its adherents: the Philosophical Path and the Warrior Path, the school ensures that students can align their training with their personal inclinations while maintaining a unified commitment to the principles of beauty, knowledge, and balance. The integration of the Samurai ways into the Red Dahlia creates a holistic approach, preparing students to be both wise and skilled protectors of the world.


"At the Red Dahlia, we embody Wisdom in Thought and Honor in Action, guided by the principles of Quaynot. We are stewards of knowledge, recognizing that to protect knowledge is to safeguard the future. Our strength lies in the harmony of thought and action, where the pursuit of truth illuminates our path. We aspire to cultivate a community where philosophical inquiry and martial prowess converge, inspiring individuals to forge a harmonious balance between introspection and engagement with the world."


Founded in the aftermath of the Unending War by Tahneen Shammael, a Cyndraaki veteran deeply influenced by the teachings of Quaynot, the Red Dahlia began as a refuge of philosophical contemplation and martial training. Tahneen, disenchanted by the post-war societal perception of Cyndraaki and feeling a need to preserve his heritage amidst a changing world, established the Red Dahlia as a sanctuary where Cyndraaki and other seekers could pursue knowledge and cultivate inner strength. The early years saw the Red Dahlia as a modest retreat, its teachings rooted in the harmonious balance between intellectual pursuit and disciplined action. Tahneen's focus on Quaynot's principles of beauty, guardianship, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge shaped the core philosophy of the school. Initially exclusive to Cyndraaki, Tahneen's vision gradually expanded as he welcomed individuals from diverse backgrounds who shared a thirst for wisdom and a dedication to martial discipline.   Khazak Shammael, Tahneen's son, brought a transformative influence to the Red Dahlia upon his return from years spent in Mijako. After spending time their as a mercenary fighting along the Ochiru Yuki family against the Empire of the Jade Mantis. After a time he embraced the ways of the samurai and recognizing their alignment with his father's teachings, Khazak integrated the martial traditions of Mijako with the philosophical underpinnings of Quaynot. This integration sparked a new era for the Red Dahlia, where the path of the warrior became inseparable from the pursuit of truth and enlightenment.   Under Khazak's leadership, the Red Dahlia evolved into a renowned institution known for its dual emphasis on scholarly inquiry and rigorous combat training. The motto "Harmony of Thought, Honor in Action: Illuminating Truth and Shaping Futures" emerged as a guiding principle, encapsulating the school's commitment to fostering a balanced approach to life's challenges.


Philosophical Path Focus: Intellectual and spiritual development, appreciation of beauty, and pursuit of knowledge.   Curriculum:   Teachings of Quaynot: In-depth study of Quaynot’s teachings, focusing on beauty, mystery, and guardianship. Philosophical Discussions: Regular debates and discussions on the nature of good and evil, chaos and order. Artistic Expression: Training in arts and crafts, emphasizing the creation of beautiful works that reflect Quaynot’s influence. Environmental Stewardship: Practical lessons on guardianship, including the protection and appreciation of nature. Daily Practices:   Meditation (Zazen): Daily meditation sessions to cultivate inner peace and focus. Artistic Activities: Regular sessions dedicated to creating art, poetry, and music inspired by Quaynot. Knowledge Seeking: Encouragement to explore the mysteries of the world through study and exploration. Initiation:   Nyūmon Ceremony: A solemn initiation where students pledge their commitment to the principles of Quaynot and the pursuit of knowledge and beauty. Warrior Path Focus: Martial training, physical conditioning, and the application of Quaynot’s teachings in the art of combat.   Curriculum:   Martial Arts: Training in various combat techniques, including swordsmanship (kenjutsu), archery (kyūdō), and unarmed combat (jujutsu). Bushidō Principles: Integration of Bushidō with Quaynot’s teachings, emphasizing honor, courage, and benevolence. Guardianship Training: Lessons on protecting knowledge, the environment, and those in need. Philosophical Integration: Regular sessions on the philosophical underpinnings of martial actions, aligning them with the pursuit of balance and beauty. Daily Practices:   Physical Training: Rigorous physical conditioning to build strength, agility, and endurance. Combat Drills: Daily practice of combat techniques, both solo and in groups. Meditation (Zazen): Meditation to develop mental fortitude and focus. Initiation:   Nyūmon Ceremony: An initiation ceremony where students pledge loyalty to the Red Dahlia, its master, and the principles of Quaynot. Keppan (Blood Oath): A symbolic blood oath to signify their dedication and commitment to the warrior path. Advancement:   Menkyō System: A structured system of ranks, marking progress and mastery in both martial and philosophical disciplines. Regular Assessments: Periodic evaluations by the master to ensure adherence to the principles and skills required of a warrior. Integration with Quaynot’s Teachings   Curriculum and Teachings: Philosophical Studies:   Ethics and Morality: Classes on the nature of good and evil, exploring the moral dilemmas and guiding principles for making ethical decisions. Aesthetics: Study of beauty in art, nature, and life. Students are encouraged to engage in artistic endeavors such as painting, sculpture, and poetry to express their understanding of beauty. Metaphysics: Delving into the nature of reality, existence, and the cosmos. This includes the study of gem dragons and their symbolic significance in the world.   Practical Skills:   Craftsmanship: Instruction in the art of creating intricate and exquisite works, especially those involving gemstones. This includes jewelry making, sculpture, and other forms of artistic expression. Diplomacy and Communication: Training in the art of negotiation, conflict resolution, and fostering peaceful relationships. Students learn to use diplomacy to bridge differences and build connections. Guardianship: Lessons in environmental stewardship and protection. This includes practical skills for preserving nature and aiding those in need. Martial Training:   Combat Skills: While secondary to philosophical teachings, martial training is still an important aspect. Students are trained in various forms of combat to protect themselves and others. Defensive Techniques: Emphasizing the use of combat skills for protection rather than aggression. Training includes tactics for defending the weak and maintaining peace. Daily Life and Practices:   Meditation and Reflection: Daily periods of meditation and reflection to cultivate inner peace and connect with the divine essence of Quaynot. Artistic Expression: Regular sessions dedicated to creating art, inspired by the beauty of gemstones and the teachings of Quaynot. These sessions serve as both a form of worship and a means of personal growth. Study and Discussion: Group discussions and lectures on various philosophical topics, encouraging open dialogue and the exchange of ideas. Physical Training: Daily physical exercises and martial training to maintain fitness and readiness for guardianship duties.


Founding Principles:
  • Beauty and Wisdom: Emphasizing the appreciation and cultivation of both inner and outer beauty. Followers believe that true beauty reflects the divine essence and seek to embody this in their actions and thoughts.
  • Guardianship and Balance: Upholding the principles of guardianship, protecting knowledge, the environment, and those in need. The school teaches the importance of maintaining balance between humanity and nature.
  • Mystery and Knowledge: Encouraging the relentless pursuit of hidden truths and the exploration of the world's mysteries. The quest for knowledge is seen as a sacred duty, with followers delving into both the physical and metaphysical realms.


Quaynot’s Influence on the Red Dahlia
  • Guardianship and Protection: The Warrior Path emphasizes the role of the samurai as protectors of knowledge, the environment, and the vulnerable, aligning with Quaynot’s domain of guardianship.
  • Beauty in Martial Arts: The practice of martial arts is seen as an art form, reflecting Quaynot’s appreciation of physical beauty and artistic expression.
  • Pursuit of Knowledge: Both paths encourage the relentless pursuit of knowledge, with the Warrior Path focusing on the strategic and philosophical aspects of combat.
  • Balance: The training emphasizes the balance between physical prowess and philosophical understanding, mirroring Quaynot’s teachings on the balance of good and evil, chaos and order.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Contention with Mainstream Quaynot Followers The incorporation of the warrior path within the Red Dahlia may cause some contention with mainstream followers of Quaynot, particularly the CYNNDRACIAN CONCLAVE OF THE DRAGON TRINITY. While the mainstream view emphasizes diplomacy and peaceful guardianship, the Red Dahlia’s inclusion of martial training introduces a more combative element. However, the focus on using martial skills for protection and the pursuit of balance helps to mitigate this tension, demonstrating that the warrior path can coexist with Quaynot’s broader teachings.

"Harmony of Thought, Honor in Action: Illuminating Truth and Shaping Futures."

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