Cyndraaki - Dragonborn

Dragonborn Traits: Ability Score Increase: Str +2 Cha +1 Age: They grow and develop quite fast. Youth: By age 3 you are like a 10 yr old human child. Adult: by age 15 Lifeline: 80-90 yrs Language: Common, Draconic, Secret dragonborn Alignment: Tend towards extremes Good or Evil Size: 6 ft tall and average 250. Medium Speed: Walking speed is 30 ft Ancestry: Imbued with the blood of Dragons - Breath weapon and damage resistance based on Dragon ancestry Breath Weapon: size, shape, and damage type based on ancestry. Saving throw: 8+ConMod+Prof. Damage: 1st lvl - 2d6, 6th lvl - 3d6, 11th lvl - 4d6, 16th lvl - 5d6, Half on save. reset after short or long rest Damage Resistance: based on dragon ancestry
  Description: Dragonborn are scaly and have the heads of dragons of course they're not as large as their cousins. oftentimes horns surround their heads. like other humanoids dragon born walk on two legs . Their skin is scaly like that of most dragon species. They usually come in a combination of both metallic and Chromatic scales hues with a dominate shade based on dragon blood ancestry.
  Psychological: because of their choice to become Dragonborn the first generation we're proud and strong warriors but in subsequent generations they had a hard time trying to find their place in society as they were no longer human, no longer warriors, but farmers and merchants . This had a strong effect on the psychological nature of who they were and what their place in society was although they're often admired sometimes they feel that they are feared. Especially those of the chromatic coloring. Reason to Adventure: many set out to be adventurous because they feel that their lives are meant to be something of a heroic deed and not to be farmers and merchants
  Society & Culture: Names: See PHB Tribe names: See PHB Arts & Crafts: Magic & Technology: Tend towards Sorcerer or Draconic Priests Tribal Structure: Close and extended Family Power Struggles: A place outside of the army in Cynndraca Government: they have been limited in their positions within the government but within the hierarchy of the church they do hold a high place and many go into religious institutions Description: Laws & Justice: Religion: Strict believers in the draconic religion Especially the first generation History & Folklore: The original Dragonborn were literally born from humans to Dragonborn they have forsaken their human lives and become the Dragonborn. Once you are Dragonborn your children will be Dragonborn. Many do not choose to be Dragonborn anymore. Although it is still possibe. Those that are Dragonborn now are mostly those born from those who chose earlier. During the Great War with the elves the Dragonborn were some of the most Mightiest fighters. They had devoted their selves to the religion and took upon them the sacred nature of the great wyrm. Once the war was over though these once mighty fighters no longer had a war to fight. Now they are trying to find their place in society amongst Cynndraca. Some feel that the Dragonborn are pitied. That they were some how used by the evil king at the time and subverted to this life unwillingly. But they still are looked on as heroes because of the great courage it took for them to join and become what they did for many years they were the first line of defense against the elvenkind
  Environment: Climate/Region: Cities: Most live in the Cynndraca culture but many have moved into the cities of Veropia. They are fairly rare outside of those areas Capitol: Cynndraca
  Important People: Important Groups: Agenda: Structure: Symbol: Membership: Benefits: Relations outside of group: Role-playing Application: Class:

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