Wei Clan or Jade Empire

Culture: Empire of the Jade Mantis Description: A group that is made up of several cultures based on the ancient Chinese, South Asian and Mongolian, or steppe cultures. They are one of the  largest empires that cover quite a bit of land. The are officially separatists, but are very interested in conquering more lands. They have slowed there movement mainly because of Veropias rise to power. They believe the lands of the Yamoto should be under their control             Racial Traits:             Psychological:                         Daily life:             Physical:             Relations:             Alignment:             Lands:             Language             Names: Tribe names:             Reason to Adventure: Society & Culture:             Their main religious focus is ancestral worship. They believe that all the clans descend from Fai Jei Wei Xing. He was the favored son of 3 brothers and one sister. He was promised that he would rule over them all and that his children would inherit his greatness. He was enthroned on a jade throne that was seated on the highest peak of the Jade Mountains. His brothers were jealous and plotted his demise. but he cast them out and married his sister to keep his line pure. He took 3 concubines and their children are wu wei lao and wa. The other people of the world are the children of the cast out brothers. It is said that his throne brought together the sky & the world and as long as his reign continues they will be together always. When he died it is said that he stepped off the cliff and spread himself out and took the form of a mantis & flew up to the heavens and became the stars to remind his children that they will be a multitude favored forever. His wife Maylin Wei Ming Yue could not stand to be without him and set herself as the moon             Arts & Crafts:             Magic & Technology:             Clan Structure: Lao-Wu clan, Wei clan             Power Struggles:             Environment: Climate/Region: Moderate/Agriculture, Forest & Mountains Cities: Xia, Shia, , Zhangzhu, Jinshi, Wuling, Laoshun Capitol: Important People: Important Groups: Seekers of the Hand             Agenda:             Structure:             Symbol:             Membership:             Benefits:             Relations outside of group:             Role-playing Application:                         Class:   Important Groups: The Brotherhood of the 8 Moons             Agenda:             Structure:             Symbol:             Membership:             Benefits:             Relations outside of group:             Role-playing Application:                         Class:
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