
Alcyrins Cynndraca Esu Yorgan Fai-um Lao Hai Thale Noa Clans Mijako Clan Rajendra Veropians Wei Clan Wu Clan Outlander Tribes

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Can be found on most Continents

Civilization and Culture


The Alcyrians came to this land based on a prophetic promise that was found in their old land by Mirtlif The Wise. It states: Al-vengar and Palinos wage an eternal war. Tsu’Tao sits upon the fence and watches for the scar. But when they step within the bounds of human’s mortal realms. A man he was but not so now, a new Titan will be found. When the Green mothers favored son is known, then both faith and arcane script be shown, that holy words will mix with arcane writ when Apadell sees fit. When magic’s hopeful promise is set in place, holy fate will await a royal noble to create. When you bring all faiths to holy mages land, then will his city stand. Seek out a sturdy vessel. Make west beyond what is known; when you find the flowing straight, you will find the isle of Veropians hallowed home. Below the broken temple walls, as the author to us all True words will captivate both the great and the small.     jade empire Between the two clans that make up the empire they were at constant war with each other. Occasionally they would attempt to gain control of the Wa clan (also known as the Mijako Clan). Finally there arose a powerful leader in the Wei clan that was a master at war. He was finally able to overtake the Lao-Wu clan. He married the daughter of the clan leader and in this way was able to unit the two clans. He proclaimed himself The Jade emperor. They had a son. When the son had reached 10yrs old his father passed away. Because of his age and lack of experience he was unable to conquer the Wa clan. Soon their shear power would soon overtake the Wa clan’s defenses. But the Wa clan joined forces with the Empire of Veropia. Now they must wait till they are in a position of power to equal the power of Veropia.   The Mijako clan has always been strong and has tried to keep to themselves. They are fishermen and lovers of art. Most of their history the Mijako were at peace, but because constant fighting by the Lao-Wu or Wei clans have had to create a well-fortified defense. Although they do not want to be warriors they have had to become so to survive. When the Empire of the Jade Mantis Combined the clans and became one, they knew that it would only be time before they were over run by their massive armies. When the Mijako clan heard that the great city of Veropia had again appeared and with them came a new people from far off lands with great power, their fear grew even greater that the life they new would be gone. But then they heard that if they would join the Veropian empire, they would still be able to self rule they new that an alliance would assure them some safety from the Empire of the Jade Mantis. But they wanted to be sure before they gave their kingdom over they would attempt a treaty with the Empire of the Jade Mantis The First Family sent emissaries to the Jade palace to work out a treaty that would keep them from having to become ruled by the Jade Mantis emperor. When the emissaries returned with news that the emperor would sign a treaty with them with what seemed like reasonable accommodations the first family went peacefully but were murdered during the negotiations and the Jade Mantis declared Mijako part of the empire. A second group of emissaries were immediately sent to Veropia with official seals written up before the first stating that if anything was to happen to the first family that Veropia was to be allowed to claim the kingdom as a state of the empire if it would assure local rule. When news came to Veropia they immediately sent a garrison to the Mijako kingdom and agreed to its terms.   Veropia was once a great civilization that held sway on both the east and west of the flowing waters of the Dragonspine Sea. The bulk of its empire took up much of the central portions of the lands of man. But like many great and powerful people it began to dwindle. No one is sure of exactly why this civilization faltered. Some say because of greed others because of some great apocalypse. There are other rumors that they just left. If that were true than not all left because a small group of individuals stayed and grew into a kingdom of their own but not anywhere as big as the Veropians. The Dracavan family were said to be noble decedents of the Veropians but they have no proof one way or the other. They inhabited the lands east of the great city of Veropia. There they tilled the land until it began to die away. The fertile lands of Veropia were becoming marshlands and dry plains where nothing would grow except weeds. Parts of the great desert to the south seemed to be encroaching in on the fertile inlets where the ocean and rivers meet. It got to a point where they needed to leave and find land that did not seem to be cursed. They sailed across the flowing straights to the lands of the Elves to seek more land that could support their people. They left the lands of Veropia for over 200 years fighting with the elves. When they finally ended the war they need to divide up the kingdoms of both the Draconians and the Erline (Elves) into three. The Half-elf daughter of the king was given the ancient lands of Veropia not because it was important but because it was unwanted. Tianna the half-elf princess was now in charge of a desolate land where not much could grow and many other races had begun to inhabit. In her 25th year, “Tianna” Tianumil’Nalkash Har’zaruil Drocavan, the half-elf princess was now in charge of a kingdom that no one else cared about and didn’t care that she was in charge of. She lived on a coastal settlement in the now kingdom of Cynndraca, just west of the once great city of Veropia. She felt betrayed and deserted by her family and left in a desolate hamlet that wasn’t even a part of her kingdom. Fate brought with it a large contingent of ships to this little hamlet. These vessels were from foreign lands and a people she had never heard of or known. They called themselves Alcyrians and were led by a handsome man named Mirtlif the Wise. Mirtlif called on Tianna for a private meeting. When he met Tianna and learned of her name and who she was, he seemed excited and overjoyed. He asked questions about the island in the middle of the straights were the great city of Veropia once stood and said that he would help Tianna build it. Tianna learned that the Alcyrians were a powerful people and had a great knowledge of magic far exceeding those of Cynndraca and was close to the power of her Elvin heritage. In her wisdom she befriended these strangers and took Mirtlif as her personal advisor (some say lover) and with there help began rebuilding the great city of Veropia and the great bridges across the straight. In ten years time the bridges were completed and the city habitable and within five years of that trading routes were set up over all the lands. She proclaimed her new kingdom Veropia in honor of the ancients and gave a large area of land east of the great city to the Alcyrians, which they named New Alcyria. Almost from the exact time of the completion of the great city, the lands of Veropia seemed to begin to heal. The deserts began to resend, the marshes dried, and the plains could be reseeded. Since many races had set up within the lands of Veropia, instead of using force to bring them into submission, Tianna proclaimed herself Empress and invited people to come unto her empire and there she would give them a measure of self-rule with her guidance. All were welcome, no matter the race or creed of the people. The city of Veropia was the most diverse place in all the kingdoms. At first only a few other cities joined but when others saw that she was true to her word and how prosperous they became many joined. Now, 25 years after Tianna was proclaimed Queen of an unwanted land, her Empire was now greater and larger than her sisters put together. In one generation she had created a strong and powerful kingdom and a capitol that was very secure.    Cynndracca There are five noble families of Veropia. The Dracavan family is the oldest and has held the monarchy since the time of the Veropian families. All throughout the Dracavan history, one of the other families, the Daresius family have tried to usurp there hold on the monarchy but this has only happen twice and they could not hold on for more than a couple of years. Cynndraca was once part of the elvin lands west of Veropia. During a time some call the Age of Dissidence; the land of Veropia   seemed curse and would grow nothing. Areas that were fertile turned to marsh or desert and what was left became wild plains. Many blamed it on the lack of care and remembrance of the fore fathers and their great Kingdom. Many believed that nothing would change unless the great city of Veropia was rebuilt and brought to its former glory. Others felt that it was because there had been no sightings of dragons for ages in the land. While others just felt it was a lack of good leadership. The Daresius family had recently usurped the power of the ruling family  Dracovan and cared little about the past and was not capable of rebuilding Veropia. So it was decided to invade the Erlines who lived across the straight where much of their land was very fertile. Plus there was word that dragons may inhabit some of the lands there. What surprised them was that when they arrived the Erlines seemed to not mind sharing some of there land. Over time that changed and a Great War broke out known by the people of Cynndraca as the Unending War. The Daresius family lost control of the kingdom only a couple of year after they had claimed it. The Dracavan family was once again in control but now had to deal with a great war. Never had they known such an enemy. They were powerful beyond belief. And yet the Erline seemed to have no malice or hatred towards the people of what was at that time called Draconia. The people of Draconia had made such progress and land was needed to farm and hold the population that had come from such a larger area of land. It was a fight for their survival and they couldn’t give up. After 200 years many generations had known nothing but war and the Draconians had fought the Erline back to the great mountains that divided them and the ancient lands of the Erline. It was also at this time that word had come that many of the other clans and people of the Wei-Lao and Quatzel people were growing in power. King Godric worried that if this war kept up they could have a front at both ends of their kingdom. So the war would have kept its namesake had it not been for the great concession. The Draconians, war torn and tired of fighting, and the Erlinians agreed to a royal marriage between King Godric and their Queen Eilreth’Avel. Both the King and Queen each had a daughter from previous marriages. Many thought that the kingdom would be divided evenly between the two. It was no great surprise to find out that the king and queen truly loved each other but the people of Cynndraca did not expect their union could produce offspring. When it came to dividing up the land in preparation of the king’s death many were afraid of what would happen now since there were three heirs. The decision to give Tianna Dracovan the half-elf princess the unwanted lands across the flowing straight seemed like the only logical decision. Miranda Dracovan being the eldest born daughter would inherit the prosperous and newly claimed lands and officially call it Cynndraca, meaning the people of the dragons. The Elf princess known to the people, as Ellette, would be given the ancient lands of the Erline.              A crowd of men and women well fortified and laden with the weight of their armor lined the fortification parallel to the adjacent tree line. In front of them, rose the steam from sweat that still clung to the dead and wounded. Not one of them stood with out desire to breath the comfort of peace. This enemy was not to be trifled with. Their prowess on the field of battle had become well know to the people of Edandale. Yet it was hard to believe that the shear numbers that filled this regiment could not over take such a small group of Erline. These elves held there ground like stones embedded deep within their earthen homes. The priests of the order scattered across the field of battle collecting the wounded and dead in hopes their dragon magic could revive them. The Erline would not engage the priests. Their watchful eyes could be felt upon the backs of every priest as they went to their duty. Godric Drocavan, king of the people of Edandale, watched on with amazement at the Erlines lack of aggression. He continually pondered the fact that the Erline would not engage or provoke but only defended their line. Godric had witnessed the acquisition of much of the land taken from the Erline. Now they stood on the boarders of the Erlines ancient lands. It seemed that the Elvin kind would not balk at any advancement. Godric had inherited this war from his ill likened and disposed predecessor Alvarian Daresius and he from his and so on stretching back 100 years. Just as Godric surveyed the battlefield in search of a weakened line to push forward, a captain of the guard rode up with news. “Sir, there is disturbing news from the unwanted lands.” “Well out with it captain” Godric’s family, the Dracavans, are the oldest noble line and have held the monarchy almost continuously since the time of the Veropian line. Throughout Edandale’s history, the Daresius family has tried to lay claim to the monarchy. They had succeeded only twice. The first was short lived, but the second was perpetuated by this war. The Dracavan family now once again in control, now had to deal with a great war. After 100 years many generations had known nothing but war and Godric had fought the Erline back to the great mountains that divided them and the ancient lands of the Erline. It was also at this time that word had come that many of the other clans and people of the Wei-Lao and Quatzel people were growing in power. This worried King Godric that if this war kept up they could have a front at both ends of their kingdom. The people of Edandale had made such progress and land was needed to farm and hold the population that had come from such a larger area of land. It was a fight for their survival and they couldn’t give up.   Edandale was once part of what is now known as the Unwanted lands. During a time some call the Age of Dissidence, this land seemed curse and would grow nothing. Areas that were fertile turned to marsh or desert and what was left became wild plains. Many blamed it on the lack of care and remembrance of the fore fathers and their great Kingdom. Many believed that nothing would change unless the great city of Veropia was rebuilt and brought to its former glory. Others felt that it was because there had been no sightings of dragons for ages in the land. While others just felt it was a lack of good leadership. The Daresius family had usurped the power of the ruling Dracavan family and cared little about the past nor was it capable of rebuilding Veropia. So it was decided to invade the Erline who lived across the straight where much of their land was very fertile. Plus word had reached them that dragons may inhabit some of the lands to the west. What surprised them was that when they arrived the Erline seemed to not mind sharing some of there land. Over time the need for land and the greed of the Daresius family brought about a Great War, known by the people of Edandale as the Unending War.   It is said that the first of the Dracovans had no name. Nor did he know where he came from or who his family was. He wondered the streets of Veropia when its ancient stones were first being laid. In those days a red dragon plagued the city. The people of Veropia decided to sacrifice an individual to appease the dragon. He was really nothing more than an outcast with no future or past and so he offered himself up to be used as a sacrifice. As he lay tied just outside of the city, The first had no god and knew not who to turn to for salvation from his fate. So the first called out “Oh great ancient Wryms. Hear my voice. If there be any honor in your kind. I call out to your most noble. I have no name, no family and no future. If you but spare my life, I will worship you, take upon me your name, and bring honor to your kind” The people in the city watched as the dragon flew closer but it was not the red dragon but a gold dragon. It came and took up the first one and flew off. When the first one returned to the city he announced his name as Kendrick Dracovan. He was clothed in Golden armor and imbued with power. No dragon ever came upon the city again. Since this time the Dracovans have numbered as one of the nobles. During the golden age of Veropia the Dracovans were the spiritual and military leaders. And in the days of Veropia’s decline, the Dracovans became the rulers. Kendrick created a holy order called the “?” along with it were Knights devoted to the dragons and safety of the kingdom

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