
Yemoja of the Celestial Veil (a.k.a. Volora (Alcyrians))

Yemoja, known as one of the helpmate of Valinos, is one of the three divine entities whispered into existence by Majka, the primordial Goddess of creation and balance. Majka bestowed these three deities as aid to Valinos, the primordial God of Good. They were created to embody various aspects of virtue and guidance to assist Valinos in maintaining harmony and balance within the cosmos.   Yemoja's Role Among the Three: Yemoja stands as a symbol of the benevolent, nurturing, and chaotic aspects of the divine. While Kona, the Goddess of Honor, Justice, and Order, represents the principles of law and order, and Gyan, the God of Knowledge and Wisdom, symbolizes enlightenment and intellectual growth, Yemoja embodies the profound and often unpredictable aspects of fate, dreams, and the natural cycle of life and death. Her influence is the spark of whimsy, the guiding light within the realms of unpredictability.   Yemoja's unique position among the helpmates of Valinos makes her an essential aspect of the cosmic balance. While Kona and Gyan provide structure and enlightenment, Yemoja introduces the unpredictability and wonder of life. Her goals align with nurturing the innate goodness in people and guiding them through life's ever-changing journey. As the Moon Moth illuminates the path to dreams, luck, and destiny, Yemoja's wisdom and guidance inspire her followers to embrace the mysteries of existence with open hearts and minds.

Divine Domains

Yemoja's domains of interest are diverse and encompass various aspects of life and spirituality:   Luck: Yemoja's influence extends to the subtle but profound currents of luck, as she guides individuals through fortunate and unfortunate twists of fate.   Fate: She takes great interest in the weaving of destinies and the cycles of life, embracing the tapestry of fate as a reflection of her divine design.   Dreams: Yemoja cherishes the realm of dreams, offering wisdom and guidance through the symbolism and messages that dreams convey.   Natural Death: She presides over the peaceful transition from life to the afterlife, ensuring that individuals find serenity in their final moments.   Knowledge: Yemoja fosters a thirst for knowledge by encouraging individuals to seek wisdom within their dreams and through the paths of fate.   Life: The goddess values life's precious moments, urging her followers to cherish every breath and embrace the full spectrum of existence.   Kindness: Yemoja's emphasis on kindness serves as a foundation for her followers, fostering compassion, benevolence, and goodwill.


1. Moonglow Amulet:   Description: The Moonglow Amulet is a small, intricately crafted amulet that holds a luminescent, iridescent stone at its center. The stone appears to capture the soft, ethereal glow of moonlight and is said to contain a fragment of Yemoja's divine presence.   Properties:   The amulet is believed to have the power to enhance one's intuition and ability to interpret dreams. Wearers often experience an increased sense of optimism, resilience, and a deeper connection to the cycles of fate and life. The Moonglow Amulet is said to provide a sense of guidance during moments of uncertainty or adversity. Significance: This artifact serves as a tangible connection to Yemoja's influence, helping individuals tap into the realm of dreams and fate. It is often worn by her followers as a symbol of their faith and as a source of hope and enlightenment.   2. Veilkeeper's Mirror:   Description: The Veilkeeper's Mirror is a circular, hand-held mirror with a silvery, reflective surface. It is encased in an ornate frame decorated with intricate motifs of moon moths and stars. When held up to the light, it seems to shimmer with an otherworldly, almost dream-like glow.   Properties:   The mirror is used for dream interpretation, allowing individuals to gain insight into the symbolism and messages of their dreams. It can reveal hidden truths and connections between dreams, fate, and the waking world. The Veilkeeper's Mirror is often employed by the Children of the Veil during their rituals to help guide souls to a peaceful transition in the afterlife. Significance: The Veilkeeper's Mirror is a powerful tool for those who seek a deeper understanding of dreams and the divine messages from Yemoja's realm. It aids in the interpretation of the veiled world of dreams and serves as a bridge between the ethereal and the mortal.   3. Luckspinner's Dice:   Description: Luckspinner's Dice is a set of three exquisite dice made from moonstone, each side carved with intricate symbols representing different aspects of luck and fate. The dice are often carried in a small, velvet pouch adorned with moon moth patterns.   Properties:   When rolled, the dice are believed to reveal glimpses of one's future, offering insight into upcoming events. The dice can influence the ebb and flow of luck, providing moments of fortune when needed most. They are used by the Children of Fate to make decisions, allowing them to harness the guidance of fate in their daily lives. Significance: The Luckspinner's Dice are treasured for their capacity to influence and interpret the patterns of luck and fate. They symbolize Yemoja's role in guiding the destinies of her followers and the importance of understanding the unpredictable nature of life's journey.   These artifacts associated with Yemoja play an integral role in the faith and practices of her followers, serving as both physical representations of her divine influence and practical tools for understanding the realms of dreams, luck, and fate.

Holy Books & Codes

Holy Books of The Children of Destiny:   The Loom of Destiny:   Description: The Loom of Destiny is an ancient and revered tome, bound in rich, deep-blue leather adorned with intricate golden threads resembling a cosmic tapestry. Its pages are made of parchment that seems to shimmer in the light, reminiscent of a night sky. Content: This holy book is a guide to understanding the intricate patterns of fate, offering insights into the ever-turning wheel of destiny. It explains the role of luck and fortune in one's life, providing a framework for divination, astrology, and understanding the celestial forces. Significance: The Loom of Destiny is central to the beliefs of The Children of Destiny. It serves as a reference for conducting divination rituals, predicting future events, and interpreting the threads of fate.   The Chronicle of Fortuitous Journeys:   Description: The Chronicle of Fortuitous Journeys is a collection of stories and accounts, elegantly bound in a book with a rich azure cover adorned with moon moth illustrations. The pages are filled with vivid narratives and dreamlike illustrations. Content: This holy book contains accounts of individuals who have experienced remarkable strokes of luck, along with their journeys and the wisdom they've gained. It also includes parables and allegories that teach lessons about embracing fortune and making the most of it. Significance: The Chronicle of Fortuitous Journeys inspires hope and optimism among the faithful of The Children of Fate. It encourages individuals to trust in the cycles of destiny and provides a source of encouragement during challenging times.   Holy Books of The Children of the Veil:   The Dreamweaver's Codex:   Description: The Dreamweaver's Codex is an ancient, weathered tome bound in deep purple leather, with pages that seem to ripple like the surface of a tranquil pond. It features detailed illustrations of dreamscapes and intricate dreamcatcher motifs. Content: This holy book offers guidance on the interpretation of dreams and visions, helping individuals understand the symbolism and significance of their nocturnal experiences. It delves into the connection between dreams and the divine realm of Yemoja. Significance: The Dreamweaver's Codex is a fundamental text for The Children of the Veil. It aids in dream interpretation, facilitating a deeper connection between individuals and the goddess. It also serves as a source of solace for those seeking wisdom about the afterlife and the passage from life to death.   The Elegy of Eternal Slumber:   Description: The Elegy of Eternal Slumber is a somber and elegantly crafted book with a midnight-blue cover adorned with images of moon moths in flight. The pages are filled with intricate calligraphy and serene depictions of individuals in peaceful repose. Content: This holy book contains prayers, meditations, and rituals that guide individuals through the transition from life to the afterlife. It offers reassurance that death is a part of the natural cycle, a sleep from which one awakens in Yemoja's embrace. Significance: The Elegy of Eternal Slumber is an essential text for The Children of the Veil, helping individuals find solace and understanding in the face of death. It provides comfort, reminding them that Yemoja's presence accompanies the departed on their eternal journey. These holy books are integral to the spiritual practices of The Children of Fate and The Children of the Veil, providing wisdom, guidance, and a connection to Yemoja's realms and divine influence.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Symbol of the Moon Moth: The Moon Moth is Yemoja's chosen symbol, signifying the fleeting and mystical nature of dreams. Moths are creatures of the night, drawn to the light of the moon, and thus, they symbolize the connection between the dream world and the realms of consciousness. The Moon Moth reflects the goddess's interest in the ethereal and ever-changing aspects of life, where dreams and fate intertwine.

Tenets of Faith

Embrace the Unpredictable:   Believers are encouraged to embrace the unpredictable nature of life, acknowledging that fortune and fate are ever-changing. This tenet emphasizes the beauty and mystery of life's twists and turns.   Kindness as a Virtue:   Kindness is revered as a fundamental virtue. Followers are urged to spread goodwill, compassion, and acts of kindness, understanding that these virtues resonate with Yemoja's essence.   Optimism in Adversity:   In the face of adversity and challenges, maintaining a positive outlook and embracing hope is a cornerstone of faith. Optimism is seen as a powerful force that can shape one's destiny.   Embrace Dreams as Messages:   Followers are encouraged to interpret their dreams as messages from Yemoja's realm, Alfalon. Dream interpretation is viewed as a way to gain insight and guidance. Respect the Natural Cycle of Life and Death:   The natural cycle of life and death is seen as sacred. Believers are encouraged to respect this cycle and find solace in the understanding that it is a part of Yemoja's divine design. Celebrate the Uniqueness of Fate:   Each individual's destiny is unique and intricate. Followers are taught to celebrate the diversity of fates, understanding that every life has its own purpose and significance. Spread Knowledge and Wisdom:   The pursuit of knowledge and wisdom is held in high regard. The faithful are urged to seek enlightenment, gain insight, and share knowledge with others. Navigate Fate with Resilience:   The belief that resilience in the face of adversity is a path to personal growth is a central tenet. Followers are guided to navigate their destinies with strength and determination. Trust in the Power of Luck:   Followers are taught to trust in the influence of luck and fortune in their lives. They believe that Yemoja's blessings can manifest as fortunate events and opportunities. Live in Harmony with Fate:   Ultimately, believers are called to live in harmony with their own destinies, finding purpose and fulfillment by aligning their choices with the grand tapestry of fate. These tenets of faith represent the core beliefs and principles upheld by Yemoja's followers, guiding them in their quest for understanding, spiritual growth, and the pursuit of a life filled with kindness, optimism, and hope.


The Church celebrates the following holy days: the Festival of Dreams, the Feast of Fate, and the Day of Kindness. Each of these occasions involves special ceremonies and rituals.   The Children of Fate conduct divination marathons during the Festival of Dreams to offer insights into the year ahead.   The Children of the Veil commemorate the Passing of Souls, a day of reflection on the journey of the departed.   The Alcyrian Yemoja sects have their own specific holy days, which include the Serpent's Serenade and the Celestial Confluence.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Yemoja's primary goal as a goddess is to instill and nurture kindness, optimism, and hope within the hearts of sentient beings. She aspires to help individuals embrace the beauty of life's unpredictability, encouraging them to face adversity with resilience and a positive outlook. Yemoja aims to offer insight into the delicate dance of fate and the profound significance of dreams, all while honoring the natural cycle of life and death.
Divine Classification
10 Pillared Paragons
Chaotic Good
Current Location
Current Residence
Alfalon "Realm of Dreams"
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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