Yinying Dūn


Yinying Dūn is a small, fortified town located at the northwest corner of the Yinying Wall. Built originally as a base for the workers who constructed the wall, it has since become a permanent settlement, home to a hardened population of wardens, scholars, and traders. The town is surrounded by smaller farms and rice paddies, though these are constantly under threat from the encroaching darkness of the jungle. Yinying Dūn’s population consists of skilled spirit hunters, mystics, and soldiers trained in combating the dangers of the Shadow Jungle. They are supported by a small community of farmers, artisans, and their families who maintain the supplies and logistics necessary for keeping the wall manned. The town is also a stop for brave traders who seek rare herbs and magical reagents rumored to grow only in the P̀ā p̄hī.   Despite the constant tension, the town maintains a semblance of normalcy, with its bustling marketplace, small temples dedicated to local protective deities, and homes built from sturdy wood and stone. The people of Yinying Dūn have a stoic resilience, living so close to such a perilous place. Many have lost family or friends to the jungle’s horrors, but they continue their work to keep the empire safe.
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