Lighted Citidel & Prolonged Darkness

Geological / environmental event


Shafts of Light appear shooting out of the citidal and last for 1 month. On the last day of the Long day as the Sun began to rise an explosion took place at the citidal and a blinding light seemed to cover all of Glosmordin for a few minutes and then the sky darkened and night lasted for another 3 days. When the light returned much of the area withen miles of the citidal were destroyed and nothing seemed to be left of the citidal but there was no crater or any sign or reminence of the citidal itself.     In the world of Glosmordin, the deity Apadell, known as the Lord of Arcane Twilight born to unknown parents, has a rich tapestry of history and artifacts that shape his divine presence. Apadell's journey to godhood began in the city of Appalonia in Alcyria, a realm that separated magic from the influence of deities. Despite his birthplace's belief, Apadell had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and an unwavering belief in the existence of a god closely tied to magic. He embarked on a quest to find the God of Magic, a journey that ultimately led him to the world of Glosmordin. Upon his arrival in Glosmordin, Apadell bore witness to the upheaval of the world. Theocracy and warlords were on the rise, and a religious and magical storm swept through the land. Apadell's persistence in seeking a deity of magic continued, a quest that would reshape the realm's faith and magic. In the wake of the devastating Dragon War, humans began to seek solace in the divine. Theocratic rule and warlords emerged as dominant forces in a realm ripe with religious and magical turmoil. Apadell found himself in a new world where the separation between magic and gods was blurred and magic was not well understood. During this era, thirteen prophets appeared across the known globe, prophesying about the Saints, both Sentinels and desecrated titans of mankind. The world bore witness to the Great Awakening, where churches devoted to these Saints gained prominence. The rise of warlords and Paladin orders furthered the tumultuous landscape. However, in response to the growing dominance of Saint-focused religions, the Churches of the Immortal Gods and a select few Divine gods became more vocal, intensifying the religious conflicts. The world was thrown into a series of religious wars, with warlords, Paladins, and churches vying for dominance, causing skirmishes and battles as they sought to sway the populace toward their chosen god. Amidst this religious and magical turmoil, Apadell's quest for a God of Magic persisted. In a world where Beings that once lived on this land who had ascended to godhood, Apadell became a seeker of hidden truths, ancient incantations, and the whispered secrets of Mother Majika and recognized the potential for his own ascendency. Through relentless research and unwavering dedication, Apadell unearthed the Whispers of the true name "God of Magic." With this newfound knowledge, He prepared for what was to come. Throughout the land, the knowledge of magic was touted, and groups of Apadellians began appearing in major cities, Followers of Apadell, performing wondrous feats without relying on divine power. Though they spoke of Mother Majika as the source of all things and were initially feared. Some religious groups, threatened by the rise of Apadellians, attempted to suppress them through force but found themselves decimated. Apadell continued his relentless journey. One pivotal moment occurred when Apadell arrived in the city of Veropia with hundreds of his followers. In a matter of days, a Citadel appeared amidst the city, mysteriously protected by an impenetrable force. For five years, the citadel remained isolated from the world. Then during the “Long night” a three day eclipse of the moons in Glosmordin, a shaft of Light, emerged from the tower in Veropia that Apadell was in, a phenomenon that stirred Glosmordin's skies for the entirety of the Eclipse. On the last day of the Long Day, a cataclysmic explosion emanated from the citadel, covering the world in a blinding light. Night endured for an additional three days, leaving devastation in its wake. And people feared that the gods were angry. The citadel itself vanished without a trace, leaving a mystery that persisted for centuries. This inexplicable event resulted in what was called the Apedellian Famine, with Veropia's lands barren and its waters bereft of fish. The populace began migrating to Rosewind, fleeing the desperate conditions. In the aftermath of the citadel's disappearance, humans witnessed the emergence of an enigmatic race known as Bovinians. These sentient beings were believed to have transformed from cattle grazing in Veropia's fields due to the explosion of the citidel. While they sought to coexist with humans in Rosewind, they were met with fear and resistance. The world would soon witness the arrival of the Hska, who set up trading routes with the human population. Encountering the Bovinian clans on the outskirts of Rosewind, the Hska learned of their plight and offered support, leading the Bovinians to migrate to the Hska Mountains. With the passage of time, the Hska established trade routes with the Veropians and the Mijako. Veropians began rebuilding their city, and the Great Empires of Rejendra and Jade Mantis saw their power diminish as regional forces rose. Amidst these sweeping changes and upheavals, The name of Apadell was soon being lost to time. But amid the unfolding history of Glosmordin, Apadell's influence began to manifest more visibly. The followers of Apadell spread throughout the world, creating different schools of magic or continuing their studies alone. But leaving the teacher's name unhallowed by a desire for their own fame. Defying the established order by demonstrating extraordinary abilities. These magical talents were not a product of divine blessing but were attributed to their unwavering belief in Mother Majika, whom they revered as the source of all magic. Despite resistance and apprehension from established religions, practitioners of magic continued. Their astonishing feats attracted countless followers who sought a deeper understanding of magic The broader landscape of Glosmordin continued to evolve. New trade routes opened, connecting various regions and cultures. The Hska played a significant role in these developments, forging alliances and facilitating commerce with human & dwarven populations. These interactions brought different beliefs and customs to the forefront, further reshaping the world's religious tapestry. In the aftermath of the Great Ocean Wars, Apadell's name was lost, though the knowledge of magic spread. The fading of the once-dominant empires of Rejendra and Jade Mantis allowed regional powers to rise, each with its unique blend of faith and magic. Soon Veropia would see its Golden Age. The emergence of Apadell had forever altered the religious and magical landscape of Glosmordin. Mother Majika was increasingly acknowledged as a primordial deity who blessed those who sought to understand the true nature of magic. The world found itself at the crossroads of belief, faith, and magical discovery, all shaped by the presence of Apadell. But alas what is a god that has no worshipers. Apadell set out to change that with a promise. A promise that was found by another wizard in Alcyria that also asked if there is a god of magic?