The Chronicles of Glosmordin

The Age of the God Whispers

... 0 AGW

A time before the human era. When the firstlings of life were placed on this world. A time of animals and elves, dwarves and giants, Hania and beast folk

  • -12000 AGW

    -12000 AGW

    The Grand Council of the Gods for Peace
    Celestial / Cosmic

    A time of great conflict raged on for eons, as the Immortals wielded the elements against each other, their battles relentless and ceaseless. Amid this tumultuous chaos, Konasima, a being of unwavering duty and faith, harbored a profound thought. She recognized that the war needed a purpose, and for her, that purpose was peace. Konasima, wise and far-sighted, summoned a council of the Immortals to explore the concept of peace. However, Ch'ar-Mut, marked by suspicion and mistrust, hesitated, fearing a trap. To quell Ch'ar-Mut's concerns, Konasima requested that Mother herself preside over the council.

  • -10000 AGW

    -10000 AGW

    Birth of the Twin Sisters: Jerika Fey & Zylestra
    Era beginning/end

    The Birth of the Two Sisters. One in the shadow of the Great Oak and one in the light. Legend is that their father was The Green father

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  • -8903 AGW

    -8903 AGW

    Jerika-Fey & Zylestra Move to Fey Realm

    The two sister move to the fey realm

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  • -4544 AGW

    -4544 AGW

    Birth of Shalori Mori Tiquelsarn
    Life, Birth

    Shalori Mori Tiquelsarn is born of Zylestra. 57th child born from Zylestra. Father is unknown. She becomes very powerful in the Court of Summer and becomes an ArchFey but is exiled after causing great harm to High individuals in the court

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  • -4494 AGW

    -4494 AGW

    Shalori makes a deal with a hag and moves to Glosmordin
    Life, Milestone

    Shalori makes a deal with a Hag.

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  • -4403 AGW

    -4402 AGW

    Shalori Founds Salvinheir City

    With the Help of the Strykr, Salvinheir City is founded by Shalori

    Salvinheir City
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  • -4371 AGW

    -4371 AGW

    Shalori Goes to Midnight Obscura
    Life, Relocation

    Shalori decides that she should be a god and hears about the shadow realm. She decides to set up her own kingdom there and begins research on how to become a god.

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The Age of the Scattering

0 AGW 499 AG

When the elves, dwarves, beastfolk scattered to there corners of the world or even left it for other realms

  • 3 BHE

    3 BHE

    Shalori convinces some to worship her
    Religious event

    Shalori convinces a few Dokkjoro to worship her Promising them fortune and power. She revels lies about her past and relates it to there issues. Over 3 years her few followers will turn in to hundreds and thousands. With many that are willing to kill for her

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  • 6 BHE

    The Cult of the Obsidian Queen
    Religious event

    A small group of Dokkjoro Women and Men begin openly worshiping the Obsidian Queen.

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  • 35 BHE

    40 BHE

    The Terror of the Mord
    Civil action

    Mordhorow begin to terrorize the Eldar and the Dokkjoro are blamed

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  • 41 BHE

    The Mord Proclamation & Exile
    Life, Relocation

    The Mord are discovered to be the ones that have been terrorizing the Eldar for the last five years and between the Dokkjoro and Eldar they banish the Mord to the depths of the earth.

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  • 42 BHE

    Exile of the DokkJoro
    Life, Relocation

    Months after the Mords are exciled. The Eldar decide that the DokkJoro should also leave their land due to their social standing and the propensity of bad actors from their ranks such as the Mord

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  • 50 BHE

    55 BHE

    The Purification of the Kingdom
    Life, Relocation

    The Eldar decide that the removal of all non pure blood descendants of Jerika Fey should be removed from the ancient forests.

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  • 56 BHE

    Founding of Shialildor

    Due to the purging by the Eldar, a kingdom of exiled Shialill form a small kingdom on the corner of Eildormira.

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The Birth of Humanity

500 AG 1999 AG

Age of Souls

2000 AG 8799 AG

Age of Soul Claiming

8800 AG 10024 AG

The Age of Veropia

10025 AG 15900 AG

The Building of Empires

15901 AG 17759 AG

The Age of Heros & Gods

17760 AG and beyond