Bremathor Character in The Chronicles of Traith | World Anvil

Bremathor (Brem-a-thor)

One Who Walks in green

The first conscious thing he could remember was the sounds of river rushing nearby and the red glow of his eyelids as the morning sun reflected off the water. "Why am I near water" he thought to himself. "Where am I" were his next thoughts followed very closely after by "Who am I?" The man opened his eyes and began prying himself off the rivers sandy beach. As he wiped away the sand off his body, he found himself to be naked as well. This was a most unusual set of circumstances he had found himself in. He surveyed the area around and fond an aged man sitting on a log not too far away. He approached the man. "Excuse me sir you wouldn't happen to know where my cloths would be would you?"   The old man responded "Actually, while I don't have your cloths, I do have cloths for you. I was told that you would here and so I brought you these." As he reached into his bag and retrieved a stack of fresh clothes. The aged man stood up from his seat on the log and handed the naked man the cloths.   "Since you're here and you have cloth for me might I ask you a few questions...... I'm sorry I seem to have forgotten your name since last we met." Thinking he didn't want to give away the fact he had no memories of who or where he was.   "You're free to ask anything you want but I must admit that there are certain things that I just cannot answer." There was a saddened look that momentarily crossed the aged man's face and he continued. "My name is Vol'Droeth that's one question that I can answer for you. You're name on the other hand now that's one I can't answer because I don't know it."   The naked man was longer naked he noted that craftsmanship of all the garments were high quality with boots to match. The last article of clothing was a cloak or so he thought as he picked up and Un furrowed it he realized it was an exquisite Wizards robe. It was all white with gold on green trim finely embroidered around the large cuffs of the sleeves and hood. "How is it that we know each other and yet you even don't know my name?" He asked Vol'Droeth as his fingers cycled through a series of gestures followed by a command word, without so much as a second thought. The robes began to shimmer with an aura of magic as amazement washed over him and the reality of what he had just done began to set in.   Vol'Droeth smiled and said, "I see you haven't lost all your aptitude in the arcane arts." This was reassuring to him as he knew only too well what was waiting in the shadows of the multiverse for this man and the others that would follow. He continued "We have been friends for a very long time, some would say from another lifetime, and I've missed you greatly. Thats all can say in terms of our history together and I am aware that you have many questions especially in regard to your current situation and lack of memory of how you came to be here."

Physical Description

Special abilities

Bremathor is immune to all divinations including his own.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

With no memory of a childhood, adolescences or even young adulthood Bremathor has tried many means of recovering them to no avail.

Personality Characteristics


As Bremathor rose in power and influence bits and pieces of his true nature were revealed to him. He is staunchly opposed to evil in any form it takes and stands openly against it without fear. A friend to many races Bremathor cherished bring people together and forming new bounds for the mutual benefit of all parties.



Husband (Important)

Towards Quillazdreelwyn




Wife (Important)

Towards Bremathor




These two met when the The Men Who Walk in Green requested a council with all the Elven leader from across Marquest in an effort to rally help for the elves of the Shyvistul Forest in their escalating war against the armies of Grimzilmord .

Relationship Reasoning

That intangible spark of love that rarely happens.

Class: Wizard/Druid/Arcane Heirophant
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Elven Titles Translation Reference Esti'thar Ilath'Nu Elven Friend Giver of Hope The Men Who Walk in Green   Arathque'Aza Man of Forgotten Lives Bremathor's amnesia   Reth'tharath'Koeth Arcane Friend of the Earth Bremathor's ability to wield both arcane and druidic magics
Date of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
emerald green
Red with goldish highlights
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
The Eight Brothers


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