Crewmen Profession in The Chronicles of Traith | World Anvil


A Crewmen (teammate) is a member of a crew (team) this usually purtains to a ship or vessel of some sort but it has also been adapted into other areas of work where people work together to achieve a goal rather than indivdually.



The main qualification for becoming a crew member is the ability take orders and comply with them. Those who have a hard time being given orders or instructions on what to do usually do not last long in this profession.

Career Progression

A crewman is an entry level position its where most members of a crew start. This is not always the case where occasionally a candidate for the crew has more experience or has a wider range of skills whatever the case is

Payment & Reimbursement

A crewman's payment or salary all depends on the employer and the businesses operated.    A crewman of a pirate ship has the potential to become far more wealthy than a crewman aboard a fishing vessel. On the otherside of that debate a crewman aboard a fishing vessel has a steady source of income and undeniably a potentially safer and longer lifespan.

Other Benefits

It's an income for most of the members of this profession. They go to work fulfill their required tasks and go home. That is an oversimplification but an accurate one. Crewman of maritime vessels are often away from home for months at a time. Many crewman are in their younger years of life and saw this profession as a great way to start building a future for themselves and a family.   Families need rooves over their heads, food on their tables, and money to cover everything else



Many aspects of everyday would become increasingly harder without the positions filled by crewman. Ships wouldn't sail, buildings wouldn't be built, restaurants would close. Crewman are invaluable in most societies and more often than not are also greatly undervalued.


Provided Services

Crewman can be found working in imports and exports, fishing, maritime trade of many sorts, piracy, smuggling, as well as several other industrial arenas.
Most crewman are not involved in illicit activities but those crewman who have ties to smuggling and piracy wound mostly fall under the term criminal in most lands.
Other Associated professions


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