Sailor Profession in The Chronicles of Traith | World Anvil


A sailor is a person who operates their own boat or is a Crewmen aboard bigger ships or vessels thats sail the watetways of Traith. One the oldest professions on Traith sailor have played a pivotal role in imports, exports, and commerce of across the world since the first age.     Not all sailors work on cargo ships most of Traith's costal nations employ their own navies. Sailors of these navies relieve additional training in ship to ship combat and other forms of maritime warfare. These navies patrol the waters claimed by their respective lands ensuring safe passage through their territory.   Some sailors embark on a more illicit careers by joining up with Pirate or Smuggler crews as Crewmen. Some of these sailors lead long lives while most don't do the illegal nature of their line of work. Depending on the severity of their transgressions most smugglers are locked up or put into labor camps to repay their debt to society. Pirates on the other don't get off so lucky and the harshest punishment that can be passed down on piracy is the penalty of death.



A sailor should have basic knowledge of a boat or ships operations prior to setting out in this field. Some crews will take on those with no experience and provide on the job training.



Sailors are the backbone of the imports and exports trade and also play a vital in in many forms of commerce.



A sailors workplace is aboard a boat ship, or other seafaring vessel.

Dangers & Hazards

A sailor is high risk career path to say the least. Being on the water for such long period can lead to dehydration if the vessel hasn't been properly supplied with drinking water. Storms at sea can pose a deadly threat to any sailor even the most experienced among this profession know that nature can bring their live to a very watery end.