Dark Magic and Creatures Defined By It


Written by a member of the Order of the Radiant Sun, "Dark Magic and the Creatures Defined by it" gives accounts of a number of species and afflictions that the Order of the Radiant Sun deem to be born of Dark Magic. They also dictate how such enemies can be bested or dispelled.

Document Structure


  1. Banshee
  2. Basilisk
  3. Changeling
  4. Chimera
  5. Demons
  6. Elves
  7. Fae
  8. Gorgons
  9. Hellhounds
  10. Undead
  11. Pucks
  12. Vampires
  13. Werewolves
  14. Wild Mages
  15. Witches and Warlocks

Historical Details


The book was written in the Province of Rendor, a place dominated and ruled over by the Order of the Radiant Sun, and the Rendorec, a nationality of people that abhor the use of Magic and those who practice it, banning it outright within their territories.

Public Reaction

The textbook was quickly distributed across Rendor by the Order of the Radiant Sun, first amongst its membership, then amongst the general population, giving them a useful guide by which to repel what they consider to be the greatest sources of evil.


While the textbook would become a prominent resource to understand and confront various creatures believed to be of "Dark Magic", it's scope would be limited predominantly to the continent of Vandora.   It would struggle to gain global acclaim however, and would actually have its facts heavily disputed by scholars given its anti-Magic bias and its insistence that certain species (such as Elves, or Fae) are inherently evil.
Study, Magical
Authoring Date
15th Judarjeń 211 5E