

A land of dense and furtive jungle, overridden with dangerous flora and curious wildlife. The jungles are home to one of the Greater Magical Nexus Points, and it's power has deeply influenced the surrounding land. It is the home of the Fae and many other magical beings.

Fauna & Flora

  • Erlking: A green-skinned species descended from Elves who were corrupted by the magic of Lidiavale's jungles, they have devolved into a society of roving tribal raiders.
  • Fae: The Fae inhabit secluded city-states deep in the most secluded parts of the Lidiavale jungles. They are powerful magic-users with a deep connection to the flora that surrounds them.
  • Gnomes: Gnomes live in tree-top communities and woodland cities that sprout all around the jungles.
  • Half-Giants: A number of nomadic Half-Giant tribes exist within the jungle, coexisting peacefully with the Gnomes.
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Inhabiting Species