
Basic Information


Goblins are a highly specialized offshoot of an early hominid species that adapted to live in secluded, underground habitats, typically those with dim and damp conditions. Over millennia, they have developed traits such as compact body structures for maneuvering in tight spaces, and their green hue skin which provides a natural camouflage to avoid predators or competing hominid species.  

Growth Rate & Stages

Goblins have one of the shorter lifespans of common humanoids, typically only living to a maximum of fifty years.   Goblins reach maturity at the age of seven, though they typically do not stop growing until the age of ten.

Ecology and Habitats

Goblins inhabit cave systems, subterranean tunnels, or other underground environments more closely linked to the surface than their Dwarven counterparts. From these tunnels they are able to find safety and resources. These habitats would provide protection from predators and environmental hazards while also offering opportunities for hunting or scavenging.

Dietary Needs and Habits

  • Scavenging: Goblins primarily scavenge for food, feeding on the remains of animals left behind by larger predators or scavenging from human settlements. This includes discarded food scraps, carrion, or even stolen provisions.
  • Foraging: Depending on their habitat, goblins can also forage for edible plants, fungi, and roots in their surroundings. They have adapted to find greater nourishment from smaller food sources, ensuring that they are able to live in environments where other food sources are scarce.
  • Hunting: Some goblins prey on smaller animals such as rodents, insects, or small birds that inhabit their underground or forested habitats as a source of protein. Other small hunting parties will venture out from their subterranean homes, using their tactics to bring down larger animals.
  • Opportunistic Feeding: Goblins take advantage of any food sources that become available to them. This might include raiding the food stores of other creatures, stealing from human settlements, or even engaging in acts of trickery to obtain food.
Goblins are particularly known to feast on subterranean sources of food such as moles and mushrooms.


Their reputation for mischief and cunning are adaptive behaviors for survival in their environment. They are known to scavenge food from other creatures or engage in clever tactics to defend their territories from larger predators.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Goblins live in a collectivist society with no concept of property. What belongs to one Goblin belongs to all Goblins and be used at the Goblins leisure, this often leads to conflict with the other species that inhabit Vilia whom they see as hoarders concealing their resources from the collective good.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Vandora   Goblins are most prominent in the continent of Vandora and are distributed across the continent.
  • Valorshire: Goblins have their highest population on the island range of Valorshire and here they dwell in their largest collective society within the island city-scape of LunnSkolm.
  • Auventor and Remos: A sub-species of Goblin called the Trasgu dwell in the mountains that border the north of Remos and Auventor.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Goblins have heightened senses for navigating in darkness.
50 years
Average Height
Geographic Distribution