Harmony Square

Purpose / Function

Harmony Square is a public space that showcases and honours the unity between the native Gnomes and Humans. This square hosts cultural events, performances, and festivals that celebrate the diversity of the city's inhabitants.


It features a central ornate fountain surrounded by both Gnomish kinetic sculptures and Human stone statues.


The square is based on stout square stone structures, with the foundations running down beneath the ground, allowing for an interconnected series of subterranean spaces for the population.   Over the stone structures, the Gnomes have built elegant hanging structures supported on beams of stone and solid oak. These structures are round huts and square houses with pointed and curved roofs.   The wooden overlay connects to the square with a series of intricate ladders, stairways, pulleys and ziplines.


The Square is protected by a force of Imperial Prowydan who enforce fair practices within the city markets. Furthermore, Gnome crossbowman in service to the Imperial Sentry have nests in the high points of the market and have line of sight to open fire on any potential dangers within the square.
Market square
Parent Location