Rusalka (rʌsælkæ)

Basic Information


Rusalki are pale-skinned humanoids who bare resemblance to the Reedling, their skin is slimy and resembles an individual who has been drowned. They are distinct from the Reedling due to their black pupils, their webbed hands and feet, and the fins on their arms and legs. They also have webbed ears and spines that protrude from their scalp. They also have retractable claws that protrude from their fingers.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Rusalki grow at a more rapid rate than humans, with a Rusalka typically concluding their development into adulthood at around the age of eleven, and living a lifespan that concludes around the age of forty-five.

Ecology and Habitats

Rusalki tend to live isolated lives in cold-water rivers and lakes.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Rusalka generally feast on plant life such as river weeds and plant life which can be found along the shores of the rivers and lakes. When plants are taken from the land however, the Rusalki must first vomit liquid from their glands which will soften the plantlife and make them edible for them, at which point they will take the plant and return it to the water to eat and digest.


They typically live alone but are known to socialise with other Rusalki on rare occasions, allowing them the opportunity to reproduce and make common causes when required. A Rusalka mother will raise her child for the eleven years required for them to grow into adulthood, at which point the child will typically leave their mother behind and depart in search of a new area in which to settle.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Rusalka Glands are valuable ingredients in the making of healing potions and also can be used in the production of love potions.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Magic has influenced the Rusalki and their glands are known to store Nexus energy. With this energy, they are able to lure in sentient beings and use magic that manipulates the mind to lure their targets to their potential doom. An individual drawn in by a Rusalka typically feels a deep sense of love and trust for the creature, and will often walk directly into the water where they are often drowned by the creature.   They also have the ability to vomit a liquid which when it makes contact with plant life will cause it to soften and become edible for the Rusalki. This liquid will also influence the plant roots and will make them more fertile and support their growth.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
45 years
Conservation Status
Near Threatened
Average Height
Female: 6'4 Male: 6'8
Average Weight
Female: 70kg Male: 80kg
Geographic Distribution