Lower Mastoria


A territory comprising dense forests, deep lakes, rolling hills and high mountains.    The Mastorian Empire has built a road travelling from the Mastoracza Pass (a road passing through the Rogy Marcina to Upper Mastoria) and follows the River Ojo down to the Amberic Sea. The roads then part to either side of the River, following the coastal trail. The Mastorian Empire has constructed settlements along these routes, and has developed iron and clay mines around the Rogy Marcina.   The rest of the land is wild and difficult. It is inhabited by the native Zmumadian tribes. The Chernikin inhabit the Valley of Chernik, the Marnolians inhabit the petty-kingdom of Marnolia. The Marvolo inhabit the various mountain regions of Lower Mastoria. The Kraven, the Nerya and the Mertons are scattered throughout the region.   Lower Mastoria is bordered on the South by the Amberic Sea, on it's North by the mountain range of Rogy Marcina, in the west by the Orcish strogholds, and in the east by the petty-kingdom of Marnolia.


The climate of Lower Mastoria is mostly temperate, though can be humid close to the Amberic coast. The country enjoys sufficient amounts of sunshine, but is known for regular year-round rainfall, especially in the summer.

Fauna & Flora

Bauk: Subterranean humanoids with long spindly limbs who emerge from beneath the ground to hunt it's prey in the darkness of the night.    Rusalka: River-dwelling humanoids who are known to lure fisher-women to their doom.

Natural Resources

Lower Mastoria has a prominent mining industry, providing the Mastorian Empire with iron and clay. The coastline also yields a rich agriculture providing corn, garlic, and wheat.
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