Sister Michaels

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sister Michaels was a Priestess of the Dallan faith who cared for the residents of The Radana Storme Institute.   She convinced her friend Sister Prudence to join her in caring for the patients of the Institute.   Another servant of the chapel was a Paladin named Sir Bellinor, a servant of the Sun God Solenoir. She is horrified when in his madness he begins murdering patients, carving out their hearts to cleanse their souls. He is interred in the very asylum that he once served.   She would disappear shortly after this day, and Sister Prudence would work to find and save her. Following the destruction of The Radana Storme Institute, it would be discovered that she was murdered by the servant Sylwester and was turned into a zombie. Her corpse was dressed to look like Warden Petro Storme's mother, to feed into his insane delusions.