Sister Prudence (sɪstə prʊdeŋs)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mental characteristics

Personal history

19th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Sister Prudence was among the crowd that gathered on the grounds of The Radana Storme Institute to pay their respects to the late Doctor Jelena.   20th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   The following day, she was present in the mess hall when a conflict erupted among the inmates. Displaying a calming presence, she intervened to pacify the situation, shielding the more peaceful inmates from harm.   Subsequently, Sister Prudence was also present as the guards uncovered the lifeless body of Reko in his cell; he had been murdered and hanged in his cell with a garotte wire. In order to assuage the patient's fears, she engaged in conversations, including with a woman bearing similar tattoos to Reko's, who inquired about his fate and who had been responsible for his death.   Sister Prudence overheard a violent altercation involving Russell Tideborn, Ajax Wursor, and Lokanth Wursor. Swiftly utilizing her magical abilities, she blinded them to defuse the confrontation. She then employed healing magic to tend to Lokanth, only to be rudely pushed away by guards who detained them.   With the two brothers removed from the scene, Sister Prudence and Russell Tideborn followed a trail of blood that led them to a washroom. There, they discovered a Zmumadian tribal symbol etched onto the wall. Speaking with two inmates, one of whom shared the murdered patient's tribal affiliation, they gleaned that the symbol denoted funeral rites.   Russell and Sister Prudence delved into their investigation, adopting the moniker "Ebony Ops," and embarked to locate the Wursor brothers. Their journey led them to the Infirmary, where they were met with a grim scene: a guard and six inmates had been killed, each displaying neck wounds.   Venturing further into the Infirmary, they discovered seven lifeless bodies. Sister Prudence meticulously examined the victims and identified a symbol on the arms of three inmates. Doctor Ada arrived shortly after, and then an orderly with a phalanx of guards. Both Sister Prudence and Russell Tideborn were subjected to questioning by Captain Myron. Ultimately, they were detained and stripped of their possessions, with Sister Prudence confined next to Sir Bellinor. From this fellow prisoner, she received a forewarning of impending violence.   Suggesting to Captain Myron that Russell Tideborn remain in the Wild Magic Cells for an extended duration, Sister Prudence also shared her knowledge regarding the symbol found on the murder victims, linking it to Zmumadian tribal customs. Captain Myron eventually decided that Sister Prudence was innocent, and ensured her release. Doctor Ada Arztin likewise insisted upon Russell Tideborn's release.   In conversation with an elderly native patient, Sister Prudence ascertained that the symbol on the victims' arms signified a plea for aid in their people's language. Meanwhile, Russell Tideborn grew suspicious of Sister Prudence's prompt release from confinement and suspected her of deceit. Simultaneously, the Guards erected gallows and initiated the hanging of tribal inmates, justifying their actions by the perceived connection between the tribal symbols and the ongoing murders within the asylum.   Sister Prudence and Doctor Ada Arztin endeavored to dissuade Captain Myron from this course of action. Eventually, Doctor Ada succeeded, persuading him to spare the patients and confine them to their own cell block. Unfortunately, this decision came too late to save three lives. Sister Prudence remained with the Zmumadian tribal inmates until they were led to their cells, attempting to communicate with an elderly tribal inmate named Lenni, who initially rebuffed her efforts, hinting at the possibility of a private conversation.   During the night, she returned to her chapel, where she encountered Russell Tideborn. He employed his abilities to convey messages to her mind, asserting himself as the voice of her deity Dalli. Trusting his words, she was perplexed by his reference to someone she had assisted earlier that day.     21st Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Sister Prudence covertly enters the maximum security cellblock, where she engages in a conversation with Lenni. During this exchange, Lenni discloses that the symbol found on bodies of the murdered patients was in fact, a distress call, a plea for help. Furthermore, he reveals a surprising connection: Russell Tideborn himself is of Zmumadian descent, raised within the Chernikin tribe. As part of their conversation, Sister Prudence agrees to facilitate a meeting between Lenni and Lokanth Wursor, ensuring its secrecy from prying eyes.   Moving with stealth, she infiltrates Doctor Ada's office, the site of another grim murder, and successfully absconds with Russell's book, evading detection. She discovers that it is a true crime book, detailing multiple grisly murders, including one which sounds eerily similar to one that occurred at The Radana Storme Institute. Her attempt to surreptitiously return the book, however, is marred by unintentional noise, leading to her confrontation with Russell Tideborn. Employing his magical abilities, Russell attacks her and gives chase through the corridors of the Psychiatric Building.   Eventually, she divulges her identity, and a mutual accusation of involvement in the murders ensues. Their dispute is interrupted by Doctor Walmdas Kluw, who directs Russell to finish cleaning Doctor Ada's office, instructs Sister Prudence to resume her duties, and arranges a meeting with Doctor Ada Arztin in his own office.   Subsequently, Sister Prudence composes a letter addressed to Lokanth Wursor, requesting a rendezvous within her chapel. Leaving the letter in his cabin, she hopes to establish contact with him.   22nd Skrabarjeń 269 5E   The subsequent day, Lokanth Wursor pays a visit to the chapel with the intention of meeting Sister Prudence. Unbeknownst to them, both Russell Tideborn and Doctor Ada Arztin observe this encounter and collaborate to clandestinely access the chapel, aiming to eavesdrop on their conversation. In this discussion, Lokanth engages Sister Prudence in dialogue about their suspicions and Lenni's desire for an undisturbed conversation with Lokanth. During their interaction, they formulate a strategy and decide to reconvene at sunset.   As the sun sets, Lokanth Wursor returns to the Penitentiary and discreetly enters the chapel. Collaborating with Sister Prudence, they devise a plan that involves her creating a diversion while Lokanth, transformed into a spider, maneuvers beneath the door to gain entry.   A few hours subsequent to Lokanth's departure for the meeting, Sister Prudence perceives an explosion and promptly cloaks herself in invisibility to investigate. She navigates through the corridor and witnesses a hooded figure hastening away from the scene. Initially suspecting this individual to be Lokanth Wursor, she tails them until an unexpected encounter occurs: she collides with another person who is also fleeing the cell block under the concealment of an invisibility spell.   The guards commence pursuit of the invisible figure, inadvertently seizing Sister Prudence in the process. In a case of mistaken identity, they subject her to a brutal assault, rendering her unconscious before hauling her to an Anti-Magic Cell.   23rd Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Sister Prudence is escorted to Doctor Walmdas Kluw's office. There, he offers her an apology for the unjust accusation she faces concerning the murders. He admits to his role in the situation and expresses remorse for inadvertently entangling her in his research. Despite her attempt to cast a truth-compelling spell on him, her endeavor fails. Nevertheless, he consents to address her inquiries. Doctor Walmdas Kluw proceeds to explain the essence of his research, detailing the involvement of three research subjects. He explains how the manipulation of magic led to the corruption of Subject Two's mind, ultimately driving them to commit acts of murder. However, he refrains from disclosing the identities of these subjects, citing doctor-patient confidentiality. Following this conversation, he has her drugged and returned to her confinement.   Later that day, Doctor Redna Hennigar intervenes, capitalizing on the tumult that engulfs The Radana Storme Institute. Offering Sister Prudence a shot at freedom, he releases her from the Anti-Magic Cell. As she ventures forth, she stumbles upon a spacious hall adjacent to the cell block, cluttered with straw, food remnants, and unsanitary waste. Opting to avoid potential hazards, she decides to ignore the room and returns to her chapel.   En route, she catches wind of screams emanating from the Lower-North Cell Block. Driven by curiosity, she investigates and arrives in time to overhear a sermon delivered by Sir Bellinor to a cult of guards. This cult has been partaking in ritualistic sacrifices of inmates, extracting their hearts as a means of purification. Mistakenly attributing these acts to Sister Prudence, Sir Bellinor greets her warmly, believing her to be the perpetrator.   Determined to clear her name, Sister Prudence vehemently asserts her innocence and redirects suspicion toward Doctor Walmdas Kluw as the true malevolent force behind The Radana Storme Institute. In order to cleanse the institute, she proposes the removal of Doctor Walmdas Kluw. After contemplation, Sir Bellinor concurs and rallies his followers to embrace this sacred mission.   As the assembly prepares to depart, Lokanth charges across the courtyard in the form of an ox, swiftly transforming back to his Half-Giant state. He employs a hold person spell on his brother, Ajax, although Ajax soon breaks free. Amidst the ensuing skirmish, Sir Bellinor and his guards bear witness. Lokanth privately confides in Sister Prudence, revealing his intent to subdue his brother before he inflicts harm, and he discloses the true murderer: Doctor Ada Arztin. Meanwhile, Ajax recognizes the imminent danger and withdraws. Fending off Russell from a distance, he escapes by scaling down the Penitentiary walls.   Sister Prudence quickly loses control of the situation as Sir Bellinor and his guards intervene in the fight between Ajax and Lokanth Wursor, attacking the Lycanthropic Ajax Wursor. Seeing no means by which to prevent the death of Ajax Wursor or Lokanth Wursor, she returns to her chapel.   In her chapel, Sister Prudence prays to Dalli for guidance, unsure of what to do, she finds a blade that once belonged to Sir Bellinor and endeavors to take action.   24th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Under the cover of midnight, Sister Prudence leaves her chapel. She becomes an observer to a chaotic scene as patients force their way into the Wild Magic Cells to release the imprisoned inmates.   Crossing the grounds, she gains entry to Doctor Ada Arztin's office with the intention of ambushing her upon her return. While in the office, Sister Prudence stumbles upon papers bearing the signature symbol of the murderer.   Utilizing her magical abilities, Sister Prudence momentarily blinds Doctor Ada Arztin upon her entrance to the office. Confronting her, Sister Prudence exposes her involvement in the murders. A revelation emerges: Doctor Ada is not the master of her own actions. Reluctantly, Ada surrenders the research papers, prompting Sister Prudence to deduce that Ada's mind was manipulated through a magical mirror. Contemplating a solution, Sister Prudence considers breaking the mirror to free Ada from the enchantment.   With Doctor Ada's consent, Sister Prudence binds her and confiscates a knife and poison from her belongings. Following Sister Prudence's departure, Doctor Ada manages to escape her restraints and returns to Doctor Walmdas's office. There, she sets the room on fire.   Meanwhile, Sister Prudence hurries to Storme Manor. In a bold move, she employs the poison on herself, arriving at the library where Doctor Walmdas is located. Concealing her true intentions, she feigns interest in his research, all the while plotting to trick him into biting her with his vampiric fangs, a move that would drain her of her poisoned blood.   Upon her arrival, a dire scene unfolds: Doctor Walmdas Kluw is engaged in a fierce altercation with Nadia Storme, both of whom have undergone a transformation—now sporting sleek black hair, crimson eyes, and pale skin. In a calculated maneuver, Sister Prudence ensnares Doctor Walmdas in her trap, leading to his demise as he succumbs to the poison. The confrontation catches the attention of Doctor Ada, who witnesses Doctor Walmdas Kluw's disappearance into the shadows. With this ultimate triumph, Sister Prudence's strength wanes. The combined effects of the poison and the loss of blood seemingly claim her life.   1st Spriarjeń 269 5E   Sister Prudence's body is laid to rest in the Mission of the Seventh Acolyte. She rests in her crypt for a full span of seven days and seven nights. At the end of this period, her eyes reopened, marking the time for her release from her tomb. Surprisingly, this awakening is orchestrated by Doctor Walmdas Kluw and Nadia Storme. In the days to follow, the true identities of Doctor Walmdas and Nadia Storme emerge as Wlad Mulkwast and his daughter Walerija Mulkwast.